The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the Tabata Training Program (TAP), which has been applied for 6 weeks, on some physical and motoric characteristics of female volleyball player The players participated in the study voluntarily in 11 females (age = 15,27 ± 1,10 years, height = 170,27 ± 6,00 cm and body weight = 63,36 ± 6,96 kg) in the high school team. In the study, pretest-posttest experimental method was used. Tabata training is a type of High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) which aims to develop aerobic and anaerobic capacity in sports. The athletes were given 2 minutes of TAP (Tabata et al., 1996) for 2 weeks a week for 6 weeks in addition to their normal training, with a 4-minute exercise consisting of 8 movements followed by 10 sec rest after 20 s maximal load. To determine the effect of TAP; female volleyball's body weight, shuttle, push-up, vertical jump, long jump, 20 mt. speed, shuttle run, balance and flexibility tests were taken as pre-test, post-TAP post-test. The differences between pre-test and post-test (Paired-Samples t-test) were examined. The findings were evaluated at a 95% confidence interval of 5% significance (0.05). . Ön-test ve son-testler arasındaki farklar (Paired-Samples t-test) incelendi. Elde edilen bulgular %95 güven aralığında %5 anlamlılık (0.05) düzeyinde değerlendirilmiştir.. Ön-test ve son-testler arasındaki farklar (Paired-Samples t-test) incelendi. Elde edilen bulgular %95 güven aralığında %5 anlamlılık (0.05) düzeyinde değerlendirilmiştir. için tanımlar. Ön-test ve son-testler arasındaki farklar (Paired-Samples t-test) incelendi. Elde edilen bulgular %95 güven aralığında %5 anlamlılık (0.05) düzeyinde değerlendirilmiştir. için eş anlamlılarTAP before and after the tests conducted was found that there was a significant difference in values of body weight, shuttle, push-up, vertical jump, long jump, 20 m. sprint and 20 m shuttle run. (in order, X-pre-test ± ss, and X-post-test ± ss: 63.36 ± 6.96, 62.45 ± 6.61 kg: 25.73 ± 4.67, 27.91 ± 5.28 repeat: 16, 09 ± 4.50, 19.73 ± 5.85 repetition: 37.36 ± 4.52, 40.27 ± 5.06cm: 158.27 ± 16.11, 166.27 ± 16.14cm: 4, 22 ± 0,22; 4,05 ± 0,16: 584,27 ± 47,90; 635,45 ± 35,95m) p <0.05. Flamingo balance and sit and reach flexibility test did not show significant difference in pre-test and post-test values ((in order, X-pre-test ± ss, and X-post-test ± ss: 9,55 ± 3,72; 9,27 ± 3,61puan: 11,32 ± 7,11; 12,91 ± 5.43 cm), (p >0 0.05). In addition to the volleyball training that has been applied for 6 weeks, TAP has been shown to improve motor skills such as strength, speed and durability of female volleyball players. It will provide significant contributions to the work of the control group in individual and team sports to clarify the effect of these types of training.
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