Objectives: Comparative Study of Mulligan (SNAGs) and Maitland’s Mobilization in Neck Pain. Design: Randomized Control Trial. Methodology: A total of 50 patients were included as per pre define inclusion and exclusion criteria and randomly assigned into two groups each having 25 patients. Group A was given conventional therapy (Active, Isometrics exercises, moist hot packs) plus SNAG while Group B was given conventional therapy (Active, Isometrics exercises, moist hot packs) plus Maitland’s mobilization for 4 weeks, 3 sessions per week one session per day. The patient’s outcome measures were assessed by visual analog scale, NDI (Neck disability Index) and Goniometry for Cervical Range of Motion. Pre and post treatment values were recorded for comparison of results. Results: Results revealed that means and S.D of both group were clinically significant but statically the Group of patients treated with conventional therapy plus SNAGS managed pain (pre=4.25±1.6, post=2.35±0.3), NDI (pre= 15.81±2.5, post= 8.18±1.7) and range of motion (flexion pre=48.9±8.9, post=53.9±4.9, extension pre=55±4.1, post=63.9±3.1, Rt side flexion pre=38.5±2.1, post=43.1±2.0 and lt. side flexion pre=38.5±2.1, post=43.6±1.8, Rt side rotation pre= 61.7±6.3, post=65.7±5.5) lt. side rotation pre=60.5±3.01, post=67.6±3.5) is not better than group of patient treated with conventional therapy plus Maitland’s mobilization in terms of pain (pre=4.27±1.5, post=1.73±0.19), NDI (pre=17.1±3.31, post=8.10±1.10) and range of motion (flexion pre=48.5±4.7, post=56.7±6.5,extension pre=57.1±4.8, post=67.9±3.9, Rt side flexion pre=35.6±2.9 post=43.1±2.2, lt Side flexion pre=38.1±2.1, post=42.5±2.0, Rt side rotation pre=58.5±5.5 post=67.1.±5.4, lt Side rotation pre=59.6±5.6, post=67.7±4.3. Conclusion: The result of study suggests that both SNAG and Maitland’s improves the symptoms of Neck pain. Better improvement was shown by Maitland’s group than SNAGs group. Based on these results Maitland mobilization with conventional therapy should be the treatment of choice for Neck pain rather than SNAGs with conventional therapy.
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