This study investigated the relationship between neuromuscular junction and the social skills of cooperation, interaction and independence, after these variables had been detected and assessed in early childhood children. The sample consisted of 72 preschoolers (40 boys, 32 girls) aged 48 to 78 months. In order to assess whether or not there were kinetic difficulties in the neuromuscular juxtaposition of preschoolers, an array of eight motor tests was used (M-ABC Test, Henderson & Sugden, 1992). The Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales (Merrell, 1994) was used to assess social skills. The results showed that the majority of children performed below the values of the risk zones, while 8.00% of the sample was found in the high-risk zone. No differences were found regarding gender and age regarding the onset of motor problems. Regarding social skills, it was found that most preschoolers had sufficient skills of cooperation, interaction and independence, while few were those with a shortage of these skills. In addition, the results showed a relationship between performance in MABC Test and social skills, but this was not statistically significant. The results of this research are consistent with other similar surveys, but they also contradict some others. Therefore, it is necessary to further investigate the issue due to the small sample of the survey.
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