The present study aimed to evaluate dancers’ image/personality. For this purpose, ninety eight dancers of ballet and modern dance participated in the research. All the subjects answered to a 35-item questionnaire describing the image they have towards dancers, regarding to five factors such as social nature, volition nature, active nature, physical nature and emotional nature. The participant’s opinion about dancers’ image was higher as for active nature, volition nature, social nature, and physical nature, but lower as for emotional nature. The younger dancers aged<18 years rated higher than the other two age categories (19-25y, >26y) in all the natures, while the advanced dancers rated higher than professional dancers and dance teachers in all the natures. One-way Anova, on the whole sample, showed that age influences significantly on dancers’ image as for emotional nature F2,95=3.586, p<0.05, while dancing influences significantly on dancers’ image as for social nature F2,95=6.317, p<0.01, for volition nature F2,95=4.616, p<0.05, for physical nature F2,95=4.626, p<0.05 and for emotional nature F2,95=9.236, p<0.001. The results indicate that dance training and performing effects positively all the natures. Consequently, dance could be used as a part of physical education due to its three-dimension qualitative nature, since dance is an art, it’s physical education and exercise.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1729
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