The purpose of this research is to compare the level of Volunteers’ and Non Volunteers’ Social Capital, Life Satisfaction, Achievement Perception and Emotional Intelligence. Sampling group consists of 208 Search and Rescue Team (AKUT) volunteers and 138 non volunteers. The questionnaire form was consisted of demographic variables and Social Capital Scale developed by Onyx and Bullen (2000) and adapted into Turkish by Ardahan (2012), Achievement Perception Scale developed by Bilgin and Kaynak (2008), Life Satisfaction Scale developed by Diener et al (1985) and adapted into Turkish by Köker (1991), Emotional Intelligence Scale developed by Schutte et al (2006) and then applied by Chan (2004, 2006). In the process of assessing data, the descriptive statistic methods, Independent Samples Test (t) have been used and results have been assessed according to significant level 0.05. As a result of this study; it was found that there are statistically meaningful differences in life style and leisure preferences between AKUT Volunteer’ and Non Volunteers’ in terms of Social Capital, Life Satisfaction, Achievement Perception, and Emotional Intelligence level.
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