The aim of this study is to determine the healthy lifestyle behaviors of the students who study at Niğde Sports High School. The students who study in Niğde Sports High School during 2016-2017 academic year constitute the universe of the research and 138 students who read the research sample in Niğde Sports High School during 2016-2017 academic year and accepted to participate in the research. As a means of collecting data, two part survey technique was used. In the first part of the questionnaire, there are statements to determine the personal characteristics (sex, age) of the students. In the second part, "Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Scale II" is used to evaluate healthy lifestyle behaviors of students. The Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Scale II subscale scores of the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Student subscale were X = 21,17 ± 5,27, the physical activity subscale score was X = 20,02 ± 5,14, the nutrition subscale score was X = 20,57 ± 4 , 43, spiritual development subscale score X = 27,15 ± 4,93, interpersonal subscale score X = 26,43 ± 4,45, stress management subscale score X = 21,10 ± 4,48, and overall scale the total score was calculated as X = 136.47 ± 22.44. No significant difference was found between the gender and age of students and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Scale II scores.
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