This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between amateur basketball players' 2D:4D finger lengths and their basketball performance. The study was conducted with the participation of 56 voluntary healthy male athletes who played basketball as amateurs in Amasya and whose average age is 16.0 years. Body length, body weight, vertical jump, 10-meter sprint, twisted leg push-up, 20-m shuttle running data were collected and evaluated for right-handed 2D, 4D finger lengths and ratios. The mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum values for all findings were obtained in the evaluation of the data. Pearson Correlation Analysis Test was used to determine the relationship between finger lengths and ratio and basketball performance. There was a significant positive correlation between 2D finger length and vertical jump of amateur basketball players, anaerobic power (P <0.01), push-up and 10 m sprint (P <0.05); There was a significant positive correlation between 4D finger length and vertical jump, anaerobic power, push-up and 10 m sprint (P <0.01), and a significant negative correlation between 2D: 4D finger ratio and 10-meter sprint run (P <0.05) determined. As a result, it can be said that amateur basketball players' 2D, 4D finger lengths and speed and speed characteristics are positive, and 2D: 4D finger ratio and speed characteristics are negatively related.
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