Background: The participation in regular physical activity depends upon various factors including psychological parameters. The emerging construct of Trait emotional intelligence is not yet been widely studied in relation to physical activity. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to correlate physical activity level and trait emotional intelligence.
Methods: A total of 221 male university students were included in the study. The participants filled two questionnaires: TEIQue for Trait EI and IPAQ (long form) for Physical Activity Levels. Spearmen’s correlation was employed to examine the relationship between two variables.
Results: Significant positive correlations were found between physical activity level and Overall Trait Emotional Intelligence (rs=0.178) and subscale Emotionality (rs=0.163). Conversely, there were significant correlations between Physical Activity Levels and subscales Well-being, Self-Control and Sociability.
Conclusions: There exists a significant but weak relationship between PA level and Overall Trait EI along with subscale Emotionality.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1553
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