Introduction: The main objective of this study is to detect the existence of a state of fatigue and a syndrome of overtraining among Algerians judokas of the youngest category (girls and boys) by the use of the questionnaire of fatigue among the child athlete (QFES) and to evaluate the variations of the score by report has its 07 dimensions. Method: 24 judokas cadets of the national team, 14 boys 58.3% and 10 girls 41,7%. The boys are an average age of 16.21±0.21 years, an average weight of 67±16,40kg and a stature of 171,64±9,49cm. They have a body mass index(BMI) of 22.69±4.94 kg/m².girls have an average age of 16.20±0.78 years, a weight of 59.1±7.89 kg and a stature of 163.9±3,14cm.The BMI is equal to 21,95±2.50 kg/sq. m. The athletes are attending school between the fourth average year at the College and the second year of secondary school. During the period of the microcycle stage of competition which is taking place between 01 March 2017 and 31 May 2017, we distributed the questionnaire at the end of the competition at the Championship in Algeria (Algiers, 27/05/2017). Results: The score of the questionnaire was to 40.01±8.58 (minimum=27, 00, maximum=54), 33.33% of athletes their scores to the QFES≥45. The average score for an item is 1.1±0.11. The ranking of items of the QFES by average quotation with significant threshold retained of p<0.05. The results are expressed in average ± standard deviation. Conclusion: The main results show that in the questionnaire QFES fatigue is a sensitive tool to detect a state of fatigue. However, a biological study is imperative in order to establish the correlation between syndrome of the overtraining and oxidative stress among young judokas
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