The object of this study is to determine the motives of university students who participate in physical activities during college education and examine whether the data differ according to educational background, sex and family support. A total of 100 students from the department of physical education and sports teaching participated in the study. As a data collection tool in the work, "Participation in Sport Motivation Scale", Gill et al. (1983), translated into Turkish by Çelebi (1991) and published by Oyar et al. (2001) have been used for validity and reliability between the studies in the age of 11-17 (6,13). In the study, reliability was checked again for this group and reliability coefficient was 0.86 in Cronbach Alpha internal consistency test. The most important motive for participation in sports for university students in the study has been found to be "skill development" and "movement/activity". In the consequences related with the motives of individuals for participation in sports, because the average for each sub-dimension is high, differences within these averages can be a determining factor in the preparation of the activities, plans and programs to be carried out and more and willing participation of the individuals in their physical activity.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Öner Gülbahçe, Erdoğan Tozoğlu, Gökhan Bayraktar, Mücahit Dursun, Arzu Gülbahçe

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