The purpose of this research is to contribute to the solution of problems by determining the organizational cynicism levels of the personnel working in sports facilities which are part of the service sector in the globalizing world. The study was carried out for the purpose of determining organizational cynicism levels of employees in sports facilities and revealing differences between levels of organizational cynicism according to employee demographics. The study group consisted of 279 personnel working in private sports facilities in Istanbul province. Our study was carried out in the summer of 2016. A questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic data and a scale consisting of 3 sub-dimensions and 14 items adapted to Turkish by Arslan (2012) developed by Brandes (1997) for organizational cynicism was used. The scale was implemented previously by Mısırdalı Yangil, Baş and Aygün (2014) on the personnel who worked in starred hotels and a 14-item draft form was applied to measure the levels of organizational cynicism. Because the sample feature changed in our study, the scale was viewed with the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) for the representation of the new sample group. In our study, age from the demographic variables was affecting affective and behavioral cynicism and seen the highest in the 20-24 age range. The cynicism levels of those who the employees who are married are lower than the cynicism levels of the single ones. Moreover, it was determined that the levels of behavioral and affective cynicism were lower in the employees without administrative duties, whereas there was no significant difference in the cognitive dimension. Despite the limitations of the research, it is expected that other studies will shed light on the determination of organizational cynicism levels in the sports field.
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