Objective: This study aims to examine the psychological resilience levels and occupational balances of married and single individuals. Background: Humans are occupational beings, and occupations support quality of life. Resilience is a predictor of well-being. Method: Four hundred-six individuals participated in the study. Data were collected with the socio-demographic form, the Brief Resilience Scale, and the Occupational Balance Questionnaire. Results: Results of the study showed that married individuals had higher levels of psychological resilience and occupational balance than single individuals (p<0.05). It was determined that there was a positive and significant relationship between the psychological resilience levels of married and single individuals participating in the study and their total scores of occupational balances (p<0.05, r=0.395). Conclusion: Research results indicate high level of psychological resilience is related to high occupational balances. Married individuals have high psychological resilience and occupational balance, and marital status significantly predicts resilience and occupational balance.
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