European Journal of Economic and Financial Research ISSN: 2501-9430 ISSN-L: 2501-9430 Available on-line at: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.887987 Volume 2 │ Issue 3 │ 2017 INFLUENCE OF TARGET SETTING ON THE PERFORMANCE OF TECHNICAL TRAINING INSTITUTES IN MERU COUNTY, KENYA Fridah Ngugi Gichurui, Wilson Muema, Abel Moguche School of Business and Economics, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya Abstract: Target setting has over the years become a very crucial part of Human Resource Management in organizations and its benefits all over the world cannot be overemphasized. It is an integrative process involving objective evaluation of employee’s competencies, contributions, improvement opportunities, and potential for future growth in line with organizational objectives. In Kenya, technical training institutes have started carrying out target settings to their employees with the aim of measuring institutional performance from January as per the requirements of Teacher’s Service Commission to enhance performance of the technical training institutes. The study objective was to establish the influence of target setting on the performance of Technical Training Institutes in Meru County. This study was carried out in the four technical training institutes in Meru County. These are Meru National Polytechnic, Nkabune TTI, Kiirua TTI and Mukiria TTI. All the management employees of the technical training institutes were used as the respondents. There was respondents’ management staff from the 4 technical training institutes in Meru County. It was found that employees are involved in setting targets by their supervisors while a few are not involved in target setting by their supervisors. It is also evident that targets set are not always achievable which affects employees’ performance. It is also evident that employees are never given allowance to negotiate targets with their supervisors which negatively affect their performance. The study recommended that the technical institute management should ensure that the target setting process is fair and inclusive of Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 175 Fridah Ngugi Gichuru, Wilson Muema, Abel Moguche INFLUENCE OF TARGET SETTING ON THE PERFORMANCE OF TECHNICAL TRAINING INSTITUTES IN MERU COUNTY, KENYA employees’ views in order to ensure that employees own those targets and strive to achieve them for the benefit of organization performance. JEL: I21, I23, I25 Keywords: influence, target setting, performance, technical training institutes 1. Introduction Performance contracting and teacher appraisal were introduced in schools in January Kihumba Kamotho TSC Daily Nation a report on teacher’s target setting systems noted that the current teacher Target setting system requires experienced teachers to be appraised every 3 years. It also noted that teachers received an overall rating of exemplary good, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory. If unsatisfactory rating, the principal and teachers would prepare an improvement plan outlining the steps that the teacher would take to improve his or her performance and the supports that would be needed in order to carry them out and the appraisal system is the mechanism that is used to translate the school`s strategic plan into action (Ontario 2011). Technical training institutes in Kenya have administrative and professional faculty target setting system designed to provide documented, constructive feedback regarding performance expectations, spur growth and development as well as provide a fair and equitable means to determine rewards for contributions to the Institutions. The senior staff and faculty staff are measured by their breadth of knowledge, understanding of roles and contributions to the university’s strategic plan. The appraisal process therefore offers a valuable opportunity to focus on work activities and goals as well as identify and correct existing problems, and to encourage better future performance. Thus, the performance of the whole organization is enhanced (Roger, 2014). In Meru County, there are 4 technical training institutes established across the county. Kimani noted that the technical training institutes’ performance is below expected levels of performance due to failure of target setting systems. All the technical training institutes in Meru have adopted target setting systems and its impact is supposed to be reflected in the institutions’ performance. For downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Economic and Financial Research - Volume 2 │ Issue 3 │ 2017 176