European Journal of Special Education Research ISSN: 2501 - 2428 ISSN-L: 2501 - 2428 Available on-line at: Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.234212 THE IMPROVEMENT OF LANGUAGE SKILLS THROUGH ROLE PLAYING METHOD ON 6TH GRADE CHILDREN WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENT AT SLB NEGERI OF SURAKARTA, INDONESIA Sri Sugiartii, Ravik Karsidi, Wagimin Master of Special Education Program Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia Abstract: The fact that there are children with hearing impairment have difficulties such as limitations in the ability to hear, but also have the potential for hearing impaired children need to be optimized, one of which is the ability to hear. To improve listening skills can be done in various ways, including methods to play a role. Hearing loss deaf children often regarded as an obstacle in the development of listening, but with the help of treatment that can be done early, then the chances are it can be minimized. Through role playing can be used to improve hearing deaf children. Research into the subject disturbed deaf children in aspects of articulation, intonation and rhythm of harmony SLB Negeri Surakarta. Overall samples taken graders VI amounted to 6 students. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence played a role in enhancing the ability of deaf children in classes VI SLB Negeri Surakarta. Research using designs or design a class action research using two cycles. Technical analysis of the data used descriptive statistical analysis techniques formula qualitative score. The analysis showed a positive improvement in the ability of deaf children to hear through role play. This is indicated by positive and significant improvement in listening skills in aspects of articulation, intonation and rhythm through playing the role of class VI SLB Negeri Surakarta. Keywords: ability language skills, hearing impaired children, to play a role 1. Introduction Language has an important role in the development of students’ intellectual, social and emotional, so it is a major element for success in studying all subjects. Language skills i Correspondence: email Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 87 Sri Sugiarti, Ravik Karsidi, Wagimin STUDY OF REPRODUCTION HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN WITH MENTAL RETARDATION IN SLB-C SURAKARTA, INDONESIA for the children with special need, especially students with hearing impairment, are expected to improve their skills to communicate properly. Thus they will be able to receive information and messages from others and no exception for children with hearing impairment. Bernstein and Tiegerman (Lyster, 2003:1) states the language is a code that was agreed by social communities that represent the thoughts or ideas through the use of the arbitrary symbols and the regulations. The combination of symbols are used and understood by community to communicate and interact (Mulyasa, 2005:237-238). The definition of arbitrary symbol is no linkages between the symbol itself and representation of things, circumstance, or event. There is no reason of why the objects used to sit called as chair (Chaer, 2002; Dardjowidjojo, 2003). Spoken language symbols are sounds generated by sounds producer of humans that can be represented in the form of writing. The term of hearing impairment shows on a disorder condition or lack or dysfunction of hearing sense resulting someone hard to percept surrounding sound stimulation. Hearing impairment that occurs in the childhood can bring unfavorable consequences for the continuity of their various development aspects. Language development of children with hearing impairment was initially not different with the language development of normal children. The presence of impaired function of their hearing sense of children with hearing impairment gives demands and needs of special design and special education services which are different from those reserved for normal children. (Wagino, 2005:14-15) Based on the results of research conducted by Yulia Siska, the application of role play method can improve social skills and language proficiency in students. ( Journal Special issue No. 2, August 2011 accessed April 15, 2016). To address the problems of students with hearing impairment in language learning, it needs an activity of actions research based on the problems found in the field. Classroom action research conducted by designing, implementing and reflecting activity collaboratively and participative so that student learning result can be improved. This classroom action research used refers to model from m. Kemmis and Mc. Taggart based on cycles including planning, implementation of the action, observation, reflection (Aqib, 2006). Children with hearing-speaking impairment are confronted by the lack of hearing, moreover with total hearing deficiencies. This child will have difficulty in communicating. This hearing deficiency has an impact on the difficulty to catch the meaning or message from the speaker especially in understanding verbal language, so that they have disruption to communicate orally. The reality on the field shows that there is a gap between the goals and result of education. Based on the findings of the observation, researchers found that 70% children with hearing impairment at SLB Negeri Surakarta have difficulty in speaking. Based on interviews with class teacher of European Journal of Special Education Research - Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 88 Sri Sugiarti, Ravik Karsidi, Wagimin STUDY OF REPRODUCTION HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN WITH MENTAL RETARDATION IN SLB-C SURAKARTA, INDONESIA 6th grade, their ability and skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing is also quite low. When they are given a text, they have difficulty to read well. Similarly, when they are asked about the content of the readings, the majority of students have not yet understood the content well. Based on the result of the observation, researcher conducted a research by using the role play method for students with hearing impairment to improve language skills in SLB Negeri of Surakarta. Teaching Bahasa Indonesia for students with hearing impairment in the class often gives vocabulary and grammar only. It is very rare for teachers to design proper strategy and practice to enhance students ' skills in communicating/speaking. As a result the learners still have difficulty in performing a good communication. The use of role playing learning method is one of language learning methods with emphasize on the social interactions in order to improve language skills for children with hearing impairment. To prevent and reduce speaking difficulty on children with hearing impairment, it needs efforts to develop language skills earlier so that their language skills of speaking students with hearing impairment can be developed as early as possible. So in this study, the researcher intends to use the role playing learning method to enhance language skills of children with hearing impairment of 6th grade at SLB Negeri of Surakarta as the research topic. Based on the problems described above, the authors proposed a research problem: How does the use of role play method to improve the skills of children with hearing impairment of 6th grade at SLB Negeri of Surakarta? The aim of this research is to describe the language skills improvement of children with hearing through the use of role playing method of 6th grade in SLB Negeri of Surakarta. 2. Research Methods This research is a classroom action research at SLB Negeri Surakarta, so that this type of research will be designed using action research (Action Research). According to Kemmis andTaggart (in Riyanto, 1996:87) that action research is a participatory collaborative approach to improve education by changing them and studying the impact of such changes. In line with what is meant by action research, this research was carried out with the process of cycles consisting of planning, action, observing, and reflecting. Learning outcomes and indicators derived from learning subjects language used to create LKS as an instrument for this research (Classroom Action Research). In this case, the European Journal of Special Education Research - Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 89 Sri Sugiarti, Ravik Karsidi, Wagimin STUDY OF REPRODUCTION HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN WITH MENTAL RETARDATION IN SLB-C SURAKARTA, INDONESIA researchers used basic competence, (6.2. Play short dramas with pronunciation, intonation, and proper expression) as a basis for improvement of the better learning results of students' language learning. Here is the flow of the class action research through the use of role playing method. This research was carried out in cycles with each cycle consists of 4 stages, namely: a) Preparing action; b) Stage of implementation; c) Observation; d) Evaluation and reflection. Data collection in the study consists of: observation, especially to get data about the process of learning activities in the classroom. Test, the data collection technique is also obtained through the test results to measure the success of learning using role playing, as the basis to determine the level of achievement of the KKM. Data analysis in this study will use qualitative descriptive statistics by narrating all research activities from arranging plan of action, the implementation of the action, observation, evaluation and reflection on each cycle. Data analysis techniques (Triangulation) of this research were conducted through three stages, namely; reduction of data, i.e. the process of simplification of the data. Display data, i.e. exposure data in a way that is easily understood in the form of exposure to narrative, tables, or other forms. Deduction/verification of data, i.e. the process of taking the essence of the data that has been reduced in the form of short sentences and solid. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Cycle 1 Based on the results of observation and data analysis on cycle 1, the conclusion can be drawn that failure occurred on the first cycle are as follows: the majority of students are unfamiliar with the condition of learning by using role play learning methods. The assessment of the learning outcomes of students speaking skill on cycle 1 is still classified as low. Students have not mastered the expected competencies. No one has achieved 60% mastery of the material. From 6 students, 1 student receives 33%, 3 students obtain 44%, and 2 students scored 55%. So the average score is 46.1%. The majority of students are unfamiliar with the role playing method, so they are still shy and unconfident to perform in front of the class. In addition, as the students with European Journal of Special Education Research - Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 90 Sri Sugiarti, Ravik Karsidi, Wagimin STUDY OF REPRODUCTION HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN WITH MENTAL RETARDATION IN SLB-C SURAKARTA, INDONESIA hearing impairment, they are difficult to understand some orders delivered by teachers/researchers. The result of observation of cycle 1, level of students in mastery the language and the ability of students in utter pronunciation, intonation, and expression in role playing is still low. Based on the results, the most of them cannot reach 60% yet. From 6 students, 3 students reach 42%, 2 students reach 50%, and 1 student reaches 58%. So the average score is 47, 3%. From the results of the discussion with colleagues, there are several factors influencing the result of cycle 1, teachers are not accustomed to use the role playing method in the language learning of students with hearing impairment. Based on the results, to fix the flaws occurred in the first cycle, then on the implementation of the second cycle, it is made arrangement as follows: because of unsucceed result in first cycle, then the research is continued on cycle 2, with the same methods and materials but with deeper preparation and more practice. 3.2 Cycle 2 Based on the results of observation and data analysis on cycle 2, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: most of the students are already more accustomed to the role playing method. There is significant improvement on cycle 2. Students have already mastered the expected competency. From 6 students with hearing impairment, 1 got 66%, and 5 students got 77%. So the average student's mastery of the material had already reached 75.2%. The majority of students are already familiar with the role playing method, so they are confident to perform in front of the class. Based on the results of observation in cycle 2, the level of language mastery and the ability of students in utter pronunciation, intonation, and expression in role playing is already good. Based on the results of observation of 6 students, the majority has reached 75%. From 6 students, 1 student got 83%, 4 students got 75%, and 1 student reaches 66%. So the average score mastery of language is 75.1%. From the results of the discussion with colleagues, there are several factors that also affect good results at cycle 2, i.e., teachers also have become accustomed to use the role playing method in the language learning for students with hearing impairment. Based on the results of the reflection and discussions with colleagues, in the implementation of the second cycle there are several notes of conclusion as follows: based on the succeed on cycle 2, then there is no need to continue at cycle 3. The results of data proves that the use of this role play method influences the improvement of language proficiency in particular reading skills in students with hearing impairment at SLB Negeri of Surakarta. The results showed that the method plays a significant role that affects the results. European Journal of Special Education Research - Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 91 Sri Sugiarti, Ravik Karsidi, Wagimin STUDY OF REPRODUCTION HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN WITH MENTAL RETARDATION IN SLB-C SURAKARTA, INDONESIA This successful learning is due to the conducive situation as a result of implementing role playing method. Application of the role playing method in the classroom action research has an effect and characteristics namely; motivation from teachers/researchers and fun learning situation. The use of role playing methods in language learning can also resolve the problems of difficulty in learning Bahasa Indonesia. The students’ understanding become more concrete and fun 4. Conclusion Based on the results of research and data processing, it can be concluded that: the assessment of language learning in a class especially reading on students with hearing impairment shows an increase in students ' mastery of language learning material, which was originally from 46.1% in cycle 1, to 29.1%. After using the method to play a role in language learning, the average score on cycle 2 is 75.2%. The use of the role playing method helps in the process of improvement of language proficiency especially in reading skills. It is proved with role playing mastery, the pronunciation, intonation, and expression of students with hearing impairment. If in cycle 1, average student achievement is 47.3%, then in cycle 2 it shows an increase of 27.8%, so the average student achievement on cycle 2 is 75,1%. This is in accordance with the expected competencies due to exercises and with guidance from the teacher that can attract attention, interest, and motivation of students as well as being able to reduce burnout and boredom of students with hearing impairment in doing the test. The results of this research can be used as a reference in language learning, especially reading on students with hearing impairment by using the role playing method. References 1. Bunawan, L dan Yuwati C.S. (2000). Penguasaan Bahasa Anak Tunarungu. Jakarta: Yayasan Santi Rama. 2. Bunawan, L. (2004). Hakekat Ketunarunguan dan Implikasi dalam Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas 3. Chaer, A. (2002). Psikolunguistik Kajian Teoritik. 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