European Journal of Open Education and E-learning Studies ISSN: 2501 - 9120 ISSN-L: 2501 - 9120 Available on-line at: 10.5281/zenodo.837288 Volume 1│Issue 1│2016 NEED OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND E-TRAINING FOR ACADEMIC STAFF TEACHING AT BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT Intakhab Alam Khani King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Abstract: Teaching of English for specific purpose (ESP) is more crucial and difficult than teaching general English to target learners. Sometimes difficulties arise on account of English teachers’ lack of knowledge of the field or subject which they are supposed to deal with. Similarly, biology teachers may not teach effectively due to lack of proficiency in English among both teachers and learners. Both English teachers and biology teachers need to be ready to teach English and biology. Main objectives were to find out the types of issues and learning difficulties faced by the teachers of biological subjects related to English as medium of instruction at KAU, and to explore the preparedness of English teachers to teach the students of biology. The study is of descriptive-exploratory type based on the data gathered from a self-developed questionnaire. The findings of the study will contribute to the assessment of learning needs, betterment of methods of teaching of biology and related subjects, and provision of training and teacher development. Keywords: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), ESP teacher, learning difficulties, teacher development, e-training 1. Introduction Teaching of specific English is as important as general English; however, importance varies from context to context. Students and teachers face difficulties in both the cases mainly due to the teachers’ lack of knowledge of the field or subject which they are supposed to deal with. For example, English language centres may casually assign Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved Published by Open Access Publishing Group ©2015. 176 Intakhab Alam Khan – NEED OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND E-TRAINING FOR ACADEMIC STAFF TEACHING AT BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT classes of English at medical colleges to those teachers who have no knowledge of medical/applied medical sciences or even related subject like biology. On the other hand, teachers of biology also face problems in teaching students in English for two reasons: the learners’ humble background of L2, and teachers’ lack of experience and preparedness to teach in English. In other words, most teachers are not able to effectively use English as the medium of instruction for many reasons. Keeping the pedagogic importance of teaching related issues of both the cases as mentioned above, the present study is expected to be quite helpful towards the finding out the actual causes, and evolution of some fruitful and compatible strategies of enhancing purposive English competence, and developing teachers of scientific subjects to teach in English. In addition, English teachers also need to be ready to teach English to the students at biology department whose first language is not English yet it is the medium of teaching. Main objectives were to find out the types of issues and learning difficulties faced by the teachers of biological subjects related to English as medium of instruction at KAU, and to explore the preparedness of English teachers to teach the students of biology. In particular, the study aims to explore the need of e-learning and teachers’ preparedness for technology integration. The study is of descriptive-exploratory type based on the data gathered from a self-developed questionnaire. The findings of the study will contribute to the assessment of learning needs, betterment of methods of teaching of biology and related subjects, and provision of training and teacher development in general and electronic learning in particular. The need for English for specific purpose (ESP) for science, technology, education, and business has gradually increased in recent past. Therefore, researches and pedagogues have started exploring the possibilities of modification in ESP curriculum and methods of teaching. Based on the need analysis, the ESP approach provides opportunities to the learners to learn specific English in an effectiveness way. Therefore, this paper aims to highlight some concepts, characteristics and principles of the 'English for Specific Purposes' (ESP) approach to language teaching, difficulties in learning/teaching English and ESP, ESP teachers’ training and preparedness especially in the context of e-learning/blended learning. For downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Open Education and E-learning Studies - Volume 1 │ Issue 1│ 2016 177