European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.228326 ATTITUDES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS PLAYING GAMES THAT INVOLVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Fikret Alıncaki Physical Education and Sport Department, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey Abstract: This study is a descriptive study aimed at determining the attitudes of primary school teachers towards playing games involving physical activity. The study environment constitutes primary school teachers who are teaching in the primary school as a teacher at the department of Gaziantep University in the Faculty of Education. In the sample group, there are 225 primary school teachers (55 male, 170 female). Casualty scale developed by Caspian (2015) was used in obtaining research data. In the analysis of the data, independent t test, One Way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis were used. As a result of the research, it was found that the passion and risk taking attitudes of the male primary school teachers were higher than the female teachers in the study conducted in order to determine the attitudes of the primary school teachers towards playing games involving physical activity. The first level students had higher game passions than the other classroom levels. Compliance levels were found to be higher than subclasses. A positive correlation was found between the scores obtained from the scale subscales of both male and female teachers, when the general average score was determined to be higher for game passions and game requests. Keywords: primary school teacher, physical activity, game 1. Introduction Today, the inadequate level of knowledge on physical activity of the community, the lack of understanding of the importance of physical activity for i Correspondence email: Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 202 Fikret Alıncak ATTITUDES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS PLAYING GAMES THAT INVOLVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY health, and the adoption of an increasingly sedentary lifestyle have become important reasons for increasing the frequency of chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes and osteoporosis in the society. Physical activity is useful for health at all ages. Regular physical activity can lead to a significant difference in the quality of life for all ages, in the healthy growth and development of children and young people beside the elimination of unwanted bad habits, in socialization and in the protection of adults from various chronic diseases or treatment of these diseases. Participation in regular activities and physical activity in early childhood is important for healthy growth, especially for the prevention of bone, muscle, cardiovascular development and obesity (Burrows, 2007; Eastman, 1997; Janz et al., 2004; Saakslahti et al. 2003). However, inactivity and sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of obesity among children (Baranowski, 1992; Goran, 1999; Jago, 2005; Janz et al., 2002; USDHSS, 1996). Scientists agree that the level of physical activity in adolescence and adulthood needs to be monitored (Certain, 2002; Fowler-Brown and Kahwati, 2004; Fishman, 2001; GordonLarsen, 2004; Malina, 2001; Pate, 1996; 2004). It is also stated that adequate and regular physical activity during childhood helps to protect adults from adulthood (Raitakari et al., 1994; World Health Organization, 2004). Regular movements and participation in physical activities are known to have positive effects on the children, not only physically but also physiological, cognitive and psychosocially (Caglak, 1999; Strong et al., Alıncak, b Zengin et al., Alıncak and Tuzcuoğulları, Abakay and Alıncak, . In this case, promotion of participation in physical activity in childhood should be deemed as a lifelong activity habit and become a natural mechanism of both short and long term healthy life (Oliver et al., 2010; Abakay, 2013). As far as physical developing is concerned in the human body, sports are a new science that determines human preference, ego, behavior and psychic structure at the same time through games, movements, competitions. The period when sports are most effective in human development is childhood. The childhood process began to be perceived differently and a special part of life. Since the 18th century and particularly in the nineteenth century, educators and moralists argued that if children are given the opportunity to express themselves, they will show healthy growth and that they will have social responsibility in their behaviors. The child development and behavior should be directed (Muratli, 1997). In the 20th century, the sport has developed dramatically during the childhood period (Slutzky and Simpkins, 2009). The sporting activities of the children of wealthy families in developed countries have become an active and passive activity for children from all steam of life today (Siesmaa, et al., 2011). European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 203 Fikret Alıncak ATTITUDES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS PLAYING GAMES THAT INVOLVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY According to Huizinga, (1995) children's real playtime is getting shorter day by day. This situation is expressed as the fact that children are confined to the house. Therefore, the house and the school should be proper places for child. Games, which are essentially considered as entertainment have been commercialized and contested in today's world. A large part of the child's outdoor play takes place in a "private" space rather than in a "public" space. Because of this, most children today do not have the ability to recognize and use the public environment without parental control (Valentine and McKendrick, 1997). All the traditionally existing games are found in the classification of Caillois. However, it seems that this classification is inadequate in this millennium, where technological developments are booming. Because, the effects of factors such as migrations, technological developments, economic difficulties, and sociocultural change have indeed led to an artistic technological games that have destroyed the gypsy culture constraining the society to develop genius with commitment and mutual respect with love, instead of being unrealistic, violent and adversely affecting moral development (Ayan et al., 2015). Research has shown that children need comfortable spaces, in order to play games including physical activity (Cunningham and Jones, 2004, Hamilton, 2002). It is stated that a child who lives in confined apartment, goes to school, spends time with television and computer deprived child from going to playground and parks (Ruhi, 1993). Practicing games and sports is necessary and useful for the healthy development of young children. It is stated that the mental capacity through a rich mental stimulant environment passes through the game environment at the basis of a healthy, consistent emotional state and a healthy and consistent personality development (Pehlivan, 2005). Even in adverse conditions, children can develop a number of social games, including a wide range of age groups. In situations such as there is restriction on freedom, miss use of a child in workplace, or abasement during war time, the children can be deprived of a practicing games and sports. Apart from these, every child is acquainted with play action (Timmons, 2003). As can be understood from the article of the book, the play has an important role in the socialization of children with their physical and mental development during their childhood. In such a crucial issue, it is also important to establish their attitudes towards playing games that involve physical activities. In this study, it is aimed to determine the attitudes of primary school teachers towards playing games that involve physical activities. In response to this purpose, the following questions were sought: European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 204 Fikret Alıncak ATTITUDES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS PLAYING GAMES THAT INVOLVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY  The attitudes of primary school teachers towards playing games involving  physical activities;  Is there a difference in terms of primary school change?  Is there a difference in terms of sex change?  Is there a difference in terms of the academic grade average? What is the relationship between play passion, play desire, enjoyment, risk taking and social cohesion? 2. Method This research is a descriptive study aimed at determining the attitudes of primary school teachers towards playing games involving physical activities. 2.1. System and Sampling The research was carried out in the Education department of both Gaziantep University and Nizip Education Faculty, Primary Education Department students. By 2015-2016, there were 470 students studying at undergraduate level in both departments. For the sample group to represent the system, it is necessary to apply at least 212 students for a 5% error margin and 95% confidence interval. In this study, the number of students is 225 in total. Therefore, the sample group is supposed to represent the whole system. The individuals considered in this study of the research group are given in table 1. Table 1: Personal characteristics of the research group Gender Class Overall Grade Point Average n % 55 24.4 Female 170 75.6 1. class 90 40.0 2. class 80 35.6 3. class 47 20.9 4. class 8 3.6 2.00 - 2.50 79 35.1 2.51 - 3.00 66 29.3 3.01 - 3.50 74 32.09 3.51 - 4.00 6 2.7 Male n=225 2.2. Data Collection Tool The data of the research were obtained using the Personal Information Form and the Casualty Scale developed by Caspian (2015). This scale is designed to European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 205 Fikret Alıncak ATTITUDES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS PLAYING GAMES THAT INVOLVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY determine the desire to play active games that involve physical activity. For this reason, answering is required, taking into account the games that include physical combating actions and the desire to play. The 18-25 age group is a 5factor scale consisting of 25 items developed on the basis of the application made on the university students. The scale is of the Likert type is 5 and consists of the answers: (I) definitely do not Participate (2), Undecided (3), Participate (4), Particularly Participate (5). The Cronbach Alfa value for the reliability of the playability scale was calculated to be 0.86. 2.3. Data Analysis The data obtained from the scales used in the research were coded into the computer environment and have been analyzed statistically by using SPSS 22.0 package program. Kolmogorov - Smirnov normality tests were performed to determine whether the data of the study were normal. Kurtosis - Skewness values were measured and values were found to be in the range of + 2 / -2 for normal data sets and it was determined that the data showed normal distribution. Here we used the Independent Sample t test for binary groups, One Way ANOVA for multiple groups, and Pearson correlation analysis to determine the relationship between two variables. 3. Results As a result of the analysis of the data obtained without research in this section, the attitudes of the research group towards playing games with physical activity were compared in terms of gender, class and general grade averages variables and also given in the form of findings and also sub experiments explained with the correlation between scale sub dimensions. Table 2: Distribution of Scores from the Sub-Dimensions of the Scale in Terms of Gender Variance Game Passion Risk Adoption Social Cohesion Game Desire Pleasure Adoption Render N Mean Std. Dev. Female 170 3.0333 .95818 Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 55 170 55 170 55 170 55 170 3.4980 2.7345 3.1282 1,9539 2,0333 2,2029 2,1818 2,4132 .77370 .92701 .75261 ,60106 ,81926 ,76874 .81430 ,73845 Male 55 2,2636 ,74755 European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 t £ 3.644 0.000 3.179 0.002 -0,663 0,509 0,175 0,862 1,302 0,194 206 Fikret Alıncak ATTITUDES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS PLAYING GAMES THAT INVOLVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Table 2 compares the scores obtained by the research group from the subscales of the scale in terms of gender change. Significant differences were found between the two groups in favor of men in the game passion, risk taking and sub-dimensions (p <0.05). There was no significant difference in social adaptation, gaming desire and enjoyment sub-dimensions in terms of gender variation (p> 0.05). Table 3: Distribution of the scores obtained from the sub-dimensions of the scale in terms of the learning class variable Sum of Sq. Between Groups Game Passion Risk Adoption Social Cohesion Game Desire Pleasure Adoption df Mean Sq. F p 6.825 3 2.275 Within Groups 152.893 221 .692 3.288 .022 Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups 159.718 3.984 144.585 148.570 3.923 93.639 97.562 3.150 132.549 135.699 4.218 224 3 221 224 3 221 224 3 221 224 3 1.328 .654 2.030 .111 1.308 .424 3.086 .028 1.050 .600 1.750 .158 Within Groups 119.047 221 2.610 .052 Total 123.265 224 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 1.406 .539 Groups: 1:1. class. 2: 2. class. 3: 3. class. 4: 4. Class Table 3 compares the scores obtained from the subscales of the scale in terms of primary school change that the research group has studied. There was a significant difference between first grade students and other class levels in the game passion sub-dimension (p < 0.05). In the social cohesion sub-dimension, a significant difference was observed between the 4th grade students and the other class levels in terms of primary school change (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found between the other sub-dimensions in terms of class level variables (p > 0.05). European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 207 Fikret Alıncak ATTITUDES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS PLAYING GAMES THAT INVOLVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Table 4: Comparison of the Scores from the Sub-Dimensions of the Scale in terms of the General Grade Average Variance Sum of Sq. df Mean Sq. 3.175 3 1.058 Within Groups 156.542 221 Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups 159.718 7.538 141.032 148.570 .167 97.395 97.562 4.715 130.984 135.699 2.744 224 3 221 224 3 221 224 3 221 224 3 Within Groups 120.521 221 Total 123.265 224 Between Groups Game Passion Risk Adoption Social Cohesion Game Desire Pleasure Adoption F p .708 3.937 .009 2.513 .638 1.494 .217 .056 .441 .126 .944 1.572 .593 2.652 .047 1.677 .173 1-3, 1-4 1-3, 1-4 .915 .545 Groups: 1: 2.00-2.49. 2: 2.50-2.99. 3: 3.00-3.49. 4: 3.50-4.00 Table 4 gives the comparison of scores obtained from the subscales of the scale in terms of the overall grade point average of the research group. It was found out that the score average of 2.00 - 2.49 in the game passion and game request subscales was significantly higher than the score average of 3.00-4.00 (p < 0.05). In the other sub-dimensions, there was no significant difference in terms of general grade average (p > 0.05). Table 5: Correlation of Male Students' Lower Dimension Scores Game Passion Game Passion p Social Cohesion Game Desire .625 p .000 r -.087 .232 p .526 .088 r .378 .411 .415 p .004 .002 .002 r .339 .465 .618 .454 p .011 .000 .000 .000 Social Cohesion Game Desire Pleasure Adoption 1 r Risk Adoption Pleasure Adoption r Risk Adoption 1 1 1 1 In Table 5, there is a correlation of the scores obtained by the male students from the subscales of the scale. There were significant correlations between sub-dimensions (p < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 208 Fikret Alıncak ATTITUDES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS PLAYING GAMES THAT INVOLVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY game enthusiasm and risk taking, game desire, enjoyment sub-dimensions (p < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between risk taking, game desire and enjoyment sub-dimensions (p < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between social cohesion and game desire and enjoyment sub-dimensions (p < 0.05). There was also a positive correlation between pleasure request subscale and play request (p < 0.05). Table 6: Correlation of scores obtained from bottom dimensions of female students by the scale Game Passion Game Passion Risk Adoption Social Cohesion Game Desire Pleasure Adoption r p Risk Adoption Social Cohesion Game Desire Pleasure Adoption 1 r .645 p .000 r .202 .200 p .008 .009 r .586 .578 .388 p .000 .000 .000 r .527 .601 .376 .612 p .000 .000 .000 .000 1 1 1 1 Table 6 gives a correlation of the scores obtained by the female students on the subscales of the scale. According to this, significant correlations were found between all sub-dimensions in the positive direction (p < 0.05). 4. Discussion and Results In order to determine the attitudes of prospective primary school teachers who are playing games involving physical activity, a study was conducted to discuss the meaningful results obtained in terms of class, gender and general boat average. Primary school teachers’ attitudes toward playing games involving physical activity were found to be significant in favor of women in game passion and risk taking sub-dimensions when examined from the gender perspective. Therefore, it can be said that the passion and risk taking attitudes of the male class teachers are higher than the female teachers. This result may be due to the higher level of physical activity of men. Since many studies have indicated that men have higher levels of physical activity (Genç et al., 2002; Öztürk 2005; Acree et al., 2006; Savcı et al., Shibata et al., Şanlı, , Vural et al., 2010; Young et al., 2011). European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 209 Fikret Alıncak ATTITUDES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS PLAYING GAMES THAT INVOLVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY In the studies conducted on different branch of teachers, it was seen that the male teachers got higher scores in the risk subscale Uludağlı and Sayıl, 009; Marcus 1999; Jelalia et al. 1997, Parsons et al., 1997, Paetsch and Bertnard, 1997). Since the processes of socialization of men and women differ, it is stated that men tend to be more risky than girls (Chen et al., 1997). Öztürk (2016). There was no difference in the game enthusiasm and risk taking subdimensions in the study conducted on the students of sport sciences. This result may be due to their dealing with sports in both genders. When it was examined in terms of primary school variables, significant differences were found in the game passion and social cohesion sub-dimensions. In the sub-dimension of the game enthusiasm, it is seen that the scores obtained by first grade students are higher. As a result, it can be said that the first class students are newly enrolled to university education and their age is smaller. The level of social adjustment of fourth grade prospective teachers is higher than those who have studied at other grade level. This result may be due to the influence of the academic education and the developing social traits. When it is examined from the point of view of the general grade average, it is concluded that the scores obtained in the game passion and game request subscales between 2.00-2.49 are higher than those between 3.00 and 4.00. Therefore, those who have high academic achievement are found to have low passion for games and low desire for games. Those with low academic achievement were found to have a high level of game passion and game desire. This high level of game desire and game ambition may also have affected the academic success of prospective teachers. When we look at the results of correlating scores obtained from scale subdimensions of male primary school teachers, it is found to be related positively. It has been determined that factors that increase the game enthusiasm are increasing risk taking, game desire and enjoyment factors, increasing the risk of taking the game and the game desire and enjoyment, and increasing the game desire and enjoyment factors, and increasing the game desire. When the results of correlating scores were obtained and examined from the scale sub-dimensions of the female primary school teachers, it was found that there are positive correlations among all the sub-dimensions. It can be said that one variable increases while the other increases. As a result, it is found out that the passion and risk taking attitudes of the male primary school teachers are higher than those of the female teachers in the study conducted. This study was conducted in order to determine the attitudes of the primary school teachers towards playing games involving physical activity. The first level students have higher game passions than the other classroom levels, European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 1 │ 2017 210 Fikret Alıncak ATTITUDES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS PLAYING GAMES THAT INVOLVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Compliance levels were found to be higher than subclasses. A positive correlation was found between the scores obtained from the scale subscales of both male and female teachers, when the general average score was determined to be higher for game passions and game requests. There is also a significant positive correlation with middle school students the work done by Yonecik (2016). References 1. Abakay, U. (2013). 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