European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1134231 COMPARISON OF NARCISSISM LEVELS OF STUDENTS WHO DO SPORTS AND WHO DO NOT DO SPORTS Özdemir Atari İstanbul Gelisim University, Vocational Scholl, Sport Management, Turkey Abstract: The purpose of this study is to make a comparison between narcissism levels of students who do sports and who do not do sports. Population of the study was constituted by students studying at Istanbul Gelişim University whereas the sample was represented by 81 students studying at Istanbul Gelişim University, School of Physical Education and Sports and 80 students studying Architecture, Psychology and Sociology who voluntarily participated in our study. Narcissistic Personality Inventory was used as data collection tool. The Inventory was developed in 2005 by Daniel R. Ames, Paul Rose and Cameron P. Anderson. It was translated into Turkish in 2009 by Salim Atay and validity and reliability study was conducted. For analyzing the data acquired, SPSS 20 was used. Single sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to learn whether or not the data had a normal distribution while “novaHomogeneity of variance test was applied to determine its homogeneity and it was seen that the data was homogeneous and had normal distribution. For analyzing data, descriptive statistics and independent sample t test were applied. It was found as a result of the study that narcissism score of students who do sports regularly was higher than that of the students who do not do sports. Keywords: narcissism, students who do sports, students who do not do sports 1. Introduction Narcissism is defined, in simplest words, as feeling extreme admiration for one’s self physical and intellectual abilities. It has been understood from studies on narcissistic Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 413 Özdemir Atar COMPARISON OF NARCISSISM LEVELS OF STUDENTS WHO DO SPORTS AND WHO DO NOT DO SPORTS personality that people with narcissistic personality characteristics extremely admire their own physical and bodily features. Sports enable an individual to make a more positive self-assessment, contributing to physical and bodily development of the individual. Self-assessment and self-perception of persons who gain a beautiful and esthetical physique thanks to sports are different from those of nonathletic people. Importance attached to appearance, attractiveness, being beautiful and handsome by many societies not only today but also in the past, has unavoidably led to a desire to become nice and attractive, for many people. Therefore, people have started to make great efforts to look more beautiful and have an esthetical physique. (Tazegül and Güven, 2015) Narcissistic people admire themselves extremely both physically and spiritually, think themselves superior, continuously expect admiration, interest and approval, believe that they will immediately be shown particular interest wherever they go and they deserve a superior position. It is an inevitable fact to be disappointed and hurt so often among such great narcissistic expectations. Self-esteem of a narcissistic person is fed with external interest, admiration and approval. The said persons cannot stand criticism but always expect praise. For that reason, their appearances and behaviours all shape for acquiring those. Their friendships are solely for deriving benefits in this respect since they exploit others in order to praise themselves, get above themselves and masquerade themselves as superior to others. Narcissistic people are known to be egoist and egocentric in their relationships as they fail to show empathy towards feelings, thoughts and needs of others (Öztürk, 2002: 436). Narcissistic individuals are selfish, since they think they are unequalled and special people. Feeling of selfishness in narcissistic people manifests itself excessively in their belief that they deserve more. They are success-oriented. They seek an opportunity to increase self-value whenever they feel a little fear for the lack of success. Narcissistic people make efforts to look good, to feel special, successful, important and positive. Sometimes they have intrapsychic thoughts such as blaming current situation but not themselves for fantasizing about power or for failure. And sometimes, they have thoughts such as exploiting the other party in their relationships for self-benefit. (Campbell and Foster, 2007: 7). Narcissistic athletes attribute their failure in competitions to referee decisions, inaccuracy of rules, audience, wrong tactics given by the coach etc.. They do not believe they lose because of their own faults (Tazegül, 2011: 170). For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 414