European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1059061 Volume 3 │Issue 11│2017 TEACHER COMPETENCE FOR ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: PERCEPTION OF TEACHER EDUCATORS Izuagba, A. C.i, Afurobi, A. O. PhD, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria Abstract: The intricate relationship between education and the sustainable development goals cannot be adequately discussed without a comprehensive understanding of the impact of the competences teachers bring to bear on their tasks which determine the extent of quality human resource development. This paper explored teacher educators’ perception of their competences and how these competences shape effective teaching and learning for the achievement of sustainable development goals. This descriptive survey is guided by four research questions and three hypotheses. Population comprised all teacher educators in the colleges of education in south east geopolitical zone of Nigeria totaling 2,310. The simple random sampling with non-replacement balloting technique was employed to select a sample of 351 teacher educators. The instrument was an 18-item questionnaire and data generated were analysed using percentages and chi square. Results show that sex and years of experience did not have any significant difference in teacher educators’ perception of the competences expected of teachers for the achievement of the SDGs while academic qualification did. Based on these recommendations were made among which are the need to build the capacity of teacher educators on these new skills and the need to revise the teacher education curriculum to integrate these new skills required of learners in the knowledge driven market. Keywords: teacher competence, sustainable development, educators’ perception Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 272 Izuagba, A. C., Afurobi, A. O. TEACHER COMPETENCE FOR ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: PERCEPTION OF TEACHER EDUCATORS 1. Introduction The role of education in development is not in doubt but for the development to be sustainable the content and process of the education programmes should be qualitative and inclusive. This implies that the education system must:   provide learning that strengthens the capacities of learners to act progressively; provide learning environment that is healthy, safe, protective, respects the rights of learners and gender-sensitive with apt resources and facilities for teaching and  learning; provide content and basic skills that are relevant, especially in the areas of literacy, numeracy and life skills, healthy living, nutrition, HIV/AIDS prevention  and peace; provide relevant knowledge, skills and appropriate learning experiences that will help learners create for themselves and other places of safety, security and  healthy interaction; be driven by knowledgeable and skilled teachers that use learner centred pedagogy in the teaching and learning process in order to effectively enact  curriculum to reduce disparities among learners; be geared towards producing autonomous learners that are equipped with both hard and soft skills needed in the knowledge economy. The Federal Government of Nigeria was conscious of this as it included most of the above indices of quality education in the goals of education in Nigeria as stipulated by FRN (2013), section (1), and sub-section (6) namely;   Development of individual into a morally sound, patriotic and effective citizen;  society and the world;  at all levels of education within and outside the formal school system;  Total integration of the individual into immediate community, the Nigerian Provision of equal access to qualitative educational opportunities for all citizens Inculcation of national consciousness, values and national unity and Development of appropriate skills, mental, physical and social abilities and competences to empower the individual to live and contribute positively to the society. However, a critical analysis of the new demands posed by the SDGs revealed that learners require a new set of skills which invariably would demand different kinds of pedagogical approach from teachers and were not explicitly captured in the policy. Specifically, apart from the basic cognitive skills (include literacy and numeracy) which over the years have been emphasized in the education system; digital literacy and nonEuropean Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 11│ 2017 273 Izuagba, A. C., Afurobi, A. O. TEACHER COMPETENCE FOR ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: PERCEPTION OF TEACHER EDUCATORS cognitive skills have become essential skills for effective functioning in the world of work. The non-cognitive skills include: creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, emotional intelligence, inter-personal skills, and financial literacy, entrepreneurship skills etc (- generally referred to as soft skills). As a matter of fact, a plethora of literature articulates clearly how teachers are the key factors that drive the education system which is the hub of manpower production for accelerating sustaining national development, (Ekpiken & Edet, 2014; USTESD, 2013; McKeown, 2013; Obanya, 2007; Darling-Hammond, 2006; Ukeje, 2002). Teachers possess power in their own capacity as the drivers of the education system to direct and groom the learners to become skilled, responsible and lifelong learners. In other words, even if access to education is increased, without the provision of competent teachers, people’s capacity to think, reflect on issues, and reason critically to reach correct and wise decisions will not be enhanced and this will adversely affect the socio-economic development of the nation. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 11│ 2017 274