European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │Issue 9 │2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1033506 EFFECTIVENESS OF TECHNICAL EXPRESSIVE WRITING TO EXPLORE EMOTIONS CLASS VII SMP PGRI 01 WAGIR, INDONESIA Erik Teguh Prakoso, Ch. Erghiezha N. I. K, Diah Ajeng Maulina Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia Abstract: This research is motivated from the observation that researchers did to students of class VII SMP PGRI 01 Wagir, which showed that 7 students still have a low level of emotional exploration. A low level of exploration of emotions can hinder the development of the students expressing their feelings and can lead to miscommunication when interacting with people around. Therefore, an increase in the level of students' exploration of emotion is indispensable for students of SMP PGRI 01 Wagir. The method used in this research was to design experimental method Quasi Experiment, using the pattern of pre-test and post-test group. The subjects used in this study are 7 students of class VII SMP PGRI 01 Wagir. Instrument used in this research is the exploration of the emotional scale that has been expert tested. Data were analyzed using test Wilcoxon the calculations using SPSS 16.0 for Windows. Based on the results of the study showed that there is difference between the pre-test and post-test. This increased level of exploration of students can be seen from the total score 7 students in the pretest to the total amount is 26, while the posttest after being given treatment using the technique of expressive writing the number is 147. Based on test Wilcoxon between pretest and posttest generate significant value (2-tailed) ie 0,018 <0.05, which means that Ho was rejected. So there is a difference between before administration treatment and after administration of treatment, so that it can be concluded that the technique is expressive writing effective to explore the emotions of students of class VII SMP PGRI 01 Wagir. Keywords: exploration of emotion, expressive writing Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 749 Erik Teguh Prakoso, Ch. Erghiezha N. I. K, Diah Ajeng Maulina EFFECTIVENESS OF TECHNICAL EXPRESSIVE WRITING TO EXPLORE EMOTIONS CLASS VII SMP PGRI 01 WAGIR, INDONESIA 1. Introduction Adolescence is a time of conflict and mood swings. Adolescents often experience emotional upheaval is high, and coupled with rapid physical growth and psychological growth are increasingly developing into more varied. Many variants of emotions owned a teenager makes adolescent emotions sometimes become erratic. Traditionally adolescence is considered a "storm and pressure" where the emotional tension rising as a result of physical changes and glands. Not all adolescents experience a period of storm and stress, but it is also true when most teens experiencing instability from time to time as a consequence of the effort of adjustment to new patterns of behavior and new social expectations. Emotions according to Goleman (2005: 7) are essentially the impulse to act, immediately plan to address the problems that have been implanted gradually by evolution. Chaplin (2006) formulates emotion as a state of arousal of the organism includes changes conscious, deep character, and behavior change. Emotions tend to occur in relation to influencing the behavior (approach) or step aside (avoidance) against something. Such behavior is generally accompanied by a bodily expression so that others can know that someone is experiencing emotion. If someone is having troubles, face will be pale, heart pounding, so their bodily changes as a series of emotions experienced by the individual in question Walgito (1994). Benefits of emotions including: 1) Emotions as an energy generator (energizer). Without emotion, we are not aware or could we say die. Life means sense, experience, react and act. Emotions arouse and mobilize our energy, with examples emotion of anger move us to attack. Fear moves us to run. And love encourages us to come closer and romance; 2) Emotion is the information carrier (messenger); 3) Emotions As amplifier (reinforcer) where emotions will reinforce or confirm what you are feeling at the moment; 4) Emotions are a counterweight (balancer) where emotions will make life more colorful with emotion because teenagers will be able to express and poured his feelings to the fullest and make their hearts feel relieved. Goleman (1999) stated on several emotions that we know, the emotion of anger is the mood of the most difficult to control. The emotion of anger arises because of the danger that can be either physical threats or threats that arise because of their selfrespect or dignity. Conversely, the absence of the emotion of anger, then teenagers there would be no incentive to hold in implementing the tasks of adolescent development that is hanging out with their group, a group of men and even women. Treatment will be given in the research is to write. Expressive writing technique or commonly known as expressive writing. Based on the results of research from Chicago European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 9 │ 2017 750 Erik Teguh Prakoso, Ch. Erghiezha N. I. K, Diah Ajeng Maulina EFFECTIVENESS OF TECHNICAL EXPRESSIVE WRITING TO EXPLORE EMOTIONS CLASS VII SMP PGRI 01 WAGIR, INDONESIA by Larson in 1999 (Journal of Psychology, 2010) found that young people are experiencing mood swing, where a teenager took just 45 minutes for the change of mood "extremely delighted" to "sad outstanding", while the adults may take several hours for the same thing. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 9 │ 2017 751