European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │Issue 10 │2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1005306 ADAPTATION OF THE TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS SCALE IN HIGHER EDUCATION INTO TURKISH LANGUAGEi İhsan Marulcu1, Kıvanç Bozkuş2ii Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey 1 Artvin Çoruh University, Turkey 2 Abstract: The purpose of this research is to adapt The Teacher Effectiveness Scale in Higher Education into Turkish language. The survey method was employed. Collected data were analyzed using confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. The adapted scale had 32 items and 4 factors explaining 50.3% variance. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficients of the factors varied from α= . to α= . and factor loadings of the items ranged from 0.47 to 0.80. Statistically significant correlations among factors ranging from r=0.54 to r=0.58 were found. It is concluded that the adapted scale is a valid and reliable instrument to measure teaching-related behavior, subject matter expertise, relational expertise, and personality aspects of teacher effectiveness in higher education. Keywords: higher education, teacher effectiveness, scale, adaptation 1. Introduction Every human activity needs to be evaluated for its effectivity. In a broad view, evaluation means any systematic examination of employee’s performance Mercer, Barker, & Bird, 2010, p. 139). It is generally thought as the last step of management process and includes the utilization of data for improvement and correction Başar, 2000, p. 55). Its aim is to determine the success level of the performance objectively (Bursalıoğlu, , s. 5 . Evaluation has an important potential as a data source which This research was presented at the 18th Congress of the World Association for Educational Research. i Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 284 İhsan Marulcu, Kıvanç Bozkuş ADAPTATION OF THE TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS SCALE IN HIGHER EDUCATION INTO TURKISH LANGUAGE informs the organizational system supporting the teaching and meaningful feedback for improving teaching practices (Maslow & Kelley, 2012). As a major component of the education, teacher evaluation is at the core. Gathering teacher evaluation is undeniably helpful in identifying exemplary teacher and teaching in higher education (Feldman, 2007, p. 118). It is also helpful for on-going self-monitoring of one’s teaching, evaluating one’s professional development needs, and preparing a case for promotion or tenure, providing information for students to use in the selection of courses and instructors, and providing an outcome for research (Casey, Gentile, & Bigger, 1997; Marsh, 1984). There are generally two fundamental aspects of teacher evaluation which include improvement function which relates to formative nature and accountability function which relates to summative nature (Tucker & Stronge, 2005, p. 6-7). Classroom observations, principal evaluations, analysis of classroom artifacts, portfolios, self-reports of teacher practice, and value-added models are the methods of evaluating teacher effectiveness (Goe, Bell, & Little, 2008). In addition, one of the key components of teacher evaluation can be thought as student evaluation of teachers as a recipient of service provided and affected. Implementing student questionnaires which include different dimensions of teaching to evaluate teaching effectiveness and quality is a fairly common procedure and it aims the improvement of teaching quality (Dresel & Rindermann, 2011). They can provide reliable and valid information on the quality of higher education (Murray, 1983). Likewise, student questionnaires fulfilled anonymously is said to be a useful apparatus for performance evaluation of teachers (Marsall, 2012). They are also important because they cause the teaching staff to be politer towards students, to pay attention to class schedule especially for the beginning and end of the lectures, paying attention to assessment of students (Ergün, 2001). Timing of the evaluation, anonymity of student raters, instructor presence in classroom, stated purpose of the evaluation might affect the process of student evaluation in higher education (Wachtel, 1998). Considering the topics for the teacher evaluation, following issues may be of importance (Feldman, 2007, p. 104- 5 ; teacher’s preparation; organization of the course, clarity, teacher pursued and/or met course objectives, perceived outcome or impact of instruction, teacher’s stimulation of interest in the course and its subject matter, teacher motivates students to do their best; high standard of performance required, teacher’s encouragement of questions and openness to opinions of others, teacher’s availability and helpfulness, teacher’s elocutionary skills, clarity of course objectives and requirements, teacher’s knowledge of the subject, teacher’s sensitivity to and concern with class level and progress, teacher’s enthusiasm for subject or for teaching , teacher’s fairness; impartiality of evaluation of students; European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 10 │ 2017 285 İhsan Marulcu, Kıvanç Bozkuş ADAPTATION OF THE TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS SCALE IN HIGHER EDUCATION INTO TURKISH LANGUAGE quality of examinations, classroom management, intellectual challenge and encouragement of independent thought (by the teacher and the course), personality characteristics, teacher’s concern and respect for students friendliness of the teacher, nature, quality, and frequency of feedback from the teacher to the students, pleasantness of classroom atmosphere, nature and value of the course (including its usefulness and relevance), difficulty of the course description, difficulty of the course evaluation, nature and usefulness of supplementary materials and teaching aids. There are many studies aiming the process of evaluation teacher effectiveness. Patrick and Smart (1998) developed a measure for evaluating teacher effectiveness. Following undergraduate students’ identification of qualities, they formed a meta inventory and it was revealed that respect for students, ability to challenge students, organization and presentation skills were three important factors for teacher evaluation. Karkoulian (2002) developed an appraisal practice for the Lebanese American University. As a result, a communication model for the performance appraisal scheme was formed. The researcher finally recommended the formal adoption of a performance appraisal process at Lebanese American University. Melnic, (2011) studied the evaluation of academics at George Bacovia University in Bacau. This study focused on the formative evaluation of courses, seminars, practical work; formative evaluation of research projects; evaluation from colleagues and experts; self-evaluation; and evaluation of management. As for the evaluation of the performance of the academics catching the students’ attention, introducing the subject, explaining the subject, the aids necessary for teaching and learning, keeping the students’ interest, teacher-student interaction, organization of students, retroaction, communication with students, the use of time; lecture summary constituted the evaluation. This research aims to adapt a teacher evaluation instrument into Turkish language. Considering that there is no instrument developed for the higher education, this effort may contribute to the area. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 10 │ 2017 286