European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.832005 Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 IMPACT OF THE PERCEPTUAL LEARNING BY SIMULATION ON DECISION-MAKING IN VOLLEY BALL Merzougue Djamel, Abed Fouad, Abdedaim Adda, Sebbane Mohamedi Laboratory of Human Movement Sciences Institute of Physical & Sport Education, Mostaganem University, Algeria Abstract: The objective of this study is to approach the decision-making process in volley ball through the perceptual learning by simulation. 148 pupils took part voluntarily to this experience. The pupils were divided into two groups. An Experimental Group (EG) which was to follow a program of learning of the technics of the Volley Ball on computer (Images in 3D) before they begin the learning and a Control Group (CG) who performed the classical learning through technical exercises. Tests have been realized after a period of learning on different technics of volleyball. The results showed that the group experimental had significantly improved these results during the decisionmaking. This study shows the need to use the new technology (simulation) to optimize the mental skills in teaching volleyball. Keywords: perceptual learning; decision making; simulation; volley ball 1. Introduction Factors of success in sports require adopting the correct scientific method that achieves what is needed by specialists including trainers or teachers. This is in order to reach the best results. Volleyball is considered one of the games that need research, study, analysis and evaluation as this game is characterized by high level of technical performance of skills. Lately, there was a notable development in this game which asserts the concern of trainers and researchers in the use and development of means of Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 117 Merzougue Djamel, Abed Fouad, Abdedaim Adda, Sebbane Mohamed IMPACT OF THE PERCEPTUAL LEARNING BY SIMULATION ON DECISION-MAKING IN VOLLEY BALL measurement and evaluation for the purpose of identifying status and condition of players or learners. In order to prepare training or educational programs based on the results of measurement and evaluation to raise performance level from psychological and physical skills. Volleyball is considered one of the forms of ball games which are characterized by dynamism and thrill which give it a special nature that differs from other team games. This is evident in the way of using the ball through a set of various and different skills. In addition, volleyball has its basic various principles that depend on mastering and raising their levels on optimal achievement level. This is done by adopting the right methods of teaching, learning and training with the choice of the latest among them. A lot of specialists in volleyball workers (trainers. teachers or academics this game) in their studies and researches agreed that the success of any team in volleyball is determined to a great extent by the degree of mastering the game’s basic principles of skills (Al Bek, 1984: p. 122). However, this success cannot be reached except for mastering total complex mental skills that are considered as essential in tactical strategies in volleyball. Among these mental skills, there is decision making skill which is considered the core of achieving results in performance. So this mental skill should have important and great concern of teachers, trainers and players themselves. This is done only through intensifying exercises which include various mental skills and develop them in order to reach a high degree of distinction, accuracy and consistency. In addition, volleyball is one of the team sports that are characterized by continuous observation of situations, continuous concentration and preparation for decision making suitable in acting at any time. The nature of this game also makes it as a scenario which is full of continuous events and changes. This encourages us to use total mental and physical abilities to cope with these changes through good and right employment of these abilities in order to reach a good level of playing and competition (Ali, 2004: p. 12). For downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 118