European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.821811 THE INVESTIGATION OF SUBMISSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF-RELIANCE LEVELS OF MOUNTAINEERS Summani Ekicii Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Turkey Abstract: This study was carried out in order to determine the submissive behavior and selfconfidence levels of individuals who practice mountaineering sports. While the population of the study was individuals participated Erzurum Winter Development Camp in 2015, the sample of the study was consisted of 212 participants (n=169 male, 43 female) selected by random sampling. A 3-part questionnaire was used to collect data in the study. In the first part of the questionnaire, there is a 16-item Submissive ”ehavior Scale S”S to determine the submissive behavior levels of the participants. In this part of the questionnaire, Self-confidence Scale" of which validity and reliability study was performed by “kın .The last part was allocated for 7-item 'Demographic Information Form' developed by the researcher to learn the demographic information of the participants. The data were analyzed with SPSS packet program. Besides the descriptive statistics, T-test and ANOVA were utilized and Tukey test was used to specify the groups from which significant differences were derived and Pearson correlation test was used in order to examine the relationship between variables. Findings have shown that mountaineers, living in rural areas, have lower selfconfidence than the urban and metropolitan residents. Additionally, the confidence of the athletes in the alpinist was higher than in other branches. Besides, it was found out that there existed negative relationship between submissive behavior and selfconfidence. Keywords: mountaineering, submissive behavior, self-confidence, sport Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 77 Summani Ekici THE INVESTIGATION OF SUBMISSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF-RELIANCE LEVELS OF MOUNTAINEERS 1. Introduction The individuals doing mountaineering make their movements by estimating what the natural life offers. The knowledge, skill acquisition, mental and physical achievement, decision-making and experiences of the mountaineers are the components of the nature of this sport. The rapid spread of urbanization causes people to have problems meeting their needs of living in touch with nature. This is the one of the reasons why nature sports become widespread recently Koçak and ”alcı, . ”esides its physical difficulties with the difficulties for the adaptation to natural life conditions, mountaineering, which is the most known of nature sports, requires psychologically strong individuals (Ulker, 1992). Gürün (1991) defines the submissive behavior as thinking and acting according to demands of authority by being affected psychologically, cognitively and emotionally and following the rules of authority. These kinds of behaviors have been diversified as feeling compelled to abide by the decision of others, abstaining to say no, having difficulties to express thought and anger even under negative circumstances, showing no sagacity to uphold the rights (Gilbert and Alan, 1994). Similar human behaviors form at the end of "common learning" processes starting at early ages and going through a life time. Submissive behaviors in interpersonal relations, in another word, confusion between respect and obedience, it is seen that obedience is referred as "respect" Kağıtçıbaşı, . It is observed that individuals showing submissive behaviors have difficulties to behave freely, feel confirmation all the time, tend to accept the situation not to have problems even they are accused of anything in which they are not wrong Yıldırım, . The weakness of initiative aspect of these individuals and being unable to show leadership behaviors (Özkan and Özen, 2008), existence of socialization, risktaking and challenging in the nature of mountaineering (cited from Carr in Gürer et al., 2006) create a contradiction between mountaineering and submissive behaviors. Factors such as socialization, risk-taking and challenging are related to individuals' selfconfidence directly. In this point, self-confidence terms should be examined. Self-confidence is the judgment to feel valuable (Bandura, 1997), being aware that individuals can create control and domination on their own world (Karademir, 2015). Concept of self-confidence is divided into two aspects impending internal and external. While internal self-confidence is a condition about one’s self, external selfconfidence involves relationships of people with the environment “kın, . Sport has mental and social contribution besides its physical benefits Yarımkaya et al., 2014; Zorba, 2012). One the factors affecting success in sport is self-confidence Yıldırım, . Taylor and Wilson explained the belief of athletes in their abilities to be successful in terms of self-confidence. Considered the probable risks in European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 78 Summani Ekici THE INVESTIGATION OF SUBMISSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF-RELIANCE LEVELS OF MOUNTAINEERS mountaineering (Gürer et al., 2006), dealing with these risks requires high level of selfconfidence. People have to make decisions and develop their skills in natural life. Internal self-confidence related to climbing activities and external self-confidence related to camping activities show the importance of self-confidence for mountaineering (Graydon and Hanson 2005). In the direction of given information, submissive behaviors and self-confidence of mountaineers have been examined and answers for following questions have been sought:  Do submissive behaviors  demographic variables?  variables? of mountaineers differentiate according to Does self-confidence of mountaineers differentiate according to demographic Are there significant relationship between self-confidence and submissive behaviors of mountaineers? 2. Methods 2.1 Study Model This was a descriptive study, which was conducted by using survey method. Survey studies have been using commonly in social science and these are the studies which are conducted on wide groups, opinions and attitude of the members of these groups. Any taken cases and events are tried to describe (Karasar, 2005; Karakaya, 2011). 2.2 Population and Sample 169 male and 43 female, totally 212, athletes participating Erzurum Winter Development Camp consisted the sample group. Most of the participants were male (79.7%). Athletes of 35 year-old and over were the largest group (42.5%). Approximately three quarters of the participants were graduated students (73.1%). The most of the participants having income almost equal reported that they lived in metropolis (62.3%) of the participants defining themselves mostly as "Alpinist" (83.5%), those having sporting background less than 3 years were low (9.4%). 2.3 Data Collection Tool A. Personal Information Form Demographic information of participants was determined by using "demographic information form" designed by the researcher. The form has 7 questions including age, European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 79 Summani Ekici THE INVESTIGATION OF SUBMISSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF-RELIANCE LEVELS OF MOUNTAINEERS gender, educational status, income, living environment, the sporting branch they defined themselves and sporting background. B. Submissive Behaviors Scale Submissive Behaviors Scale was developed by Gilbert and Allan (1994) based on the study of Buss and Craik in 1986. The adaptation of the scale was conducted by Savaşır and Şahin . The scale having items and . of reliability coefficient is -point likert type and the higher scores show the higher level of submissive behaviors. In this study, Cronbach's alpha value was found to be (0.83). In this study the adapted version of Submissive Behaviors Scale was used. C. Self-Confidence Scale Self-confidence scale, developed by “kın based on the self-efficacy theory of Bandura was used to assess self-confidence level of participants. 33-item scale consists of two subscales including internal self-confidence (17 items) and external selfconfidence items . While internal consistency value was α = , which is 5-point likert type, it was α = , external self-confidence “kın, for the whole scale for internal self-confidence and α = , for . With the internal subscale, the information about which individuals know and love themselves, specifying clear goals can be acquired. Information about which a number of features such as relationships of individuals between social environment, abilities of self-expression and communication, controlling the emotions and risk-taking can be acquired in the subscale of external selfconfidence. The score found by dividing the total score to item number (33) gives the information about individuals' self-confidence. The score under 2.5 refers to "Low Level", between 2.5 and 3.5 refers to "Mid-Level", over 3.5 refers to "High Level" selfconfidence “kın, . In this study, Cronbach's “lpha value was found to be α= . . 2.4 Data Analysis Collected data was evaluated in SPSS program. T test and ANOVA for independent samples, Tukey Post Hoc test for the determination of the differences between groups were used. The relationship between variables was analyzed by using Pearson Correlation Test. The significance of the results were evaluated in the level of p<0.05. 3. Results The results in this study have been given on tables and with explanation in this section. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 80 Summani Ekici THE INVESTIGATION OF SUBMISSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF-RELIANCE LEVELS OF MOUNTAINEERS Table 1: Demographic information of the participants Gender f % Male 169 79.7 Rural 7 3,3 Female 43 20.3 City 73 34,4 f % Metropolis 132 62,3 Under 20 16 7.5 Branch in Mountaineering f % 21 – 25 51 24.1 Alpinism 177 83,5 26 – 30 29 13.7 Rock Climbing 27 12,7 31 - 34 26 12.3 Sport Climbing 6 2,8 35 and over 90 42.5 Long Wall Climbing 2 0,9 Educational Status f % Sporting Background f % Middle School 6 2.8 Less than 2 years 20 9,4 High School 22 10.4 3 – 5 years 66 31,1 Bachelor Degree 155 73.1 6 – 8 years 41 19,3 Master Degree 29 13.7 9 – 11 years 19 9,0 Age Environment Living in f % Table 2: The mean scores of submissive behaviors and self-confidence of the participants Dimensions X S.D. Submissive Behaviors 2.38 0.634 Self-confidence 4.09 0.489 1. Internal Self-confidence 4.11 0.522 2. External Self-confidence 4.07 0.496 The mean scores of submissive behaviors and self-confidence of the participants were given in table 2. Submissive behaviors mean of the participants was found to be low ( =2.38). Self-confidence levels were found to be high (=4.09).( p<0.05). Table 3: The relationship between submissive behaviors and self-confidence Submissive Behaviors Self-Confidence -0.167* Sig. (2-tailed) p=0.015 In table 3, it can be seen that there is negative low relationship between self-confidence and submissive behaviors. p<0.05. Table 4: Analysis of submissive behaviors according to gender Dimensions Submissive behaviors Gender Male Female n 169 43 X 2.39 2.33 s 0.65 0.55 t p 0.582 0.561 As it is seen in the table 4, no significant differences were found between genders in terms of submissive behaviors (t=,582, p=,561).( p<0.05). European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 81 Summani Ekici THE INVESTIGATION OF SUBMISSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF-RELIANCE LEVELS OF MOUNTAINEERS Table 5: Analysis of submissive behaviors level according to other demographic variables Dimensions Age Educational Level Environment living in Branch they define themselves Category n X s Under 20 16 2.65 0.766 21-25 26-30 31-34 35 and over Middle School 51 29 26 90 6 2,43 2.46 2.35 2.28 2,81 0.596 0.726 0.520 0.621 0.949 High School Bachelor Degree Master Degree Rural 22 155 29 7 2.44 2.34 2.45 2.45 0.683 0.579 0.788 0.569 City Metropolis Alpinism 73 132 177 2.37 2.37 2.36 0.660 0.627 0.632 27 6 2.45 2.68 0.704 0.420 2 2.25 ,088 Less than 2 years 20 2.47 0.542 3 – 5 years 6 – 8 years 9 – 11 years Less than 2 years 66 41 19 66 2.30 2.52 2.52 2.30 0.610 0.608 0.658 0.683 Rock Climbing Sport Climbing Long Wall Climbing Sporting Background F p Difference 1.531 0.194 - 1.319 0.269 - 0.048 0.953 - 0.673 0.570 - 1.379 0.242 - It can be seen in Table 5 that no significant differences were found between demographic variables in terms of submissive behaviors (p<0.05). Table 6: Analysis of self-confidence level according to gender Dimensions Self-confidence Internal self-confidence External self-confidence Gender n Male Female Male Female Male Female 169 43 169 43 169 43 X s 4.08 4.09 4.11 4.10 4.06 4.09 0.496 0.468 0.530 0.494 0.501 0.480 t p -0.082 0.935 0.137 0.891 -0.321 0.749 It is seen in table 6 that there is no significant difference between genders in terms of self-confidence (p<0.05). European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 82 Summani Ekici THE INVESTIGATION OF SUBMISSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF-RELIANCE LEVELS OF MOUNTAINEERS Table 7: Analysis of self-confidence of the participants according to age Variable Self-confidence Internal self-confidence External self-confidence Category n Under 20 16 3,89 ,491 21-25 51 4,06 ,490 26-30 29 4,23 ,482 31-34 26 4,04 ,517 35 and over 90 4,10 ,479 Under 20 16 3,90 ,520 21-25 51 4,05 ,532 26-30 29 4,25 ,533 31-34 26 4,06 ,524 35 and over 90 4,14 ,506 Under 20 16 3,88 ,527 21-25 51 4,07 ,474 26-30 29 4,21 ,474 31-34 26 4,01 ,543 35 and over 90 4,06 ,496 X s F p Difference 1,415 ,230 - 1,506 ,202 - 1,250 ,291 - As it is seen table 7, no significant differences were found between age groups in terms of self-confidence (p<0.05). Table 8: Analysis of self-confidence of the participants according to educational status Variable Self-confidence Internal self-confidence External self-confidence Category n X s Middle School 6 4.28 0.246 22 4.14 0.542 155 4.06 0.483 Master Degree 29 4.14 0.523 Middle School 6 4.35 0.356 22 4.19 0.577 155 4.07 0.514 Master Degree 29 4.16 0.547 Middle School 6 4.21 0.246 22 4.09 0.560 155 4.05 0.488 29 4.12 0.534 High School Bachelor Degree High School Bachelor Degree High School Bachelor Degree Master Degree F p 0.671 0.571 - 0.909 0.437 - 0.393 0.759 - Difference It can be seen in table 8 that no significant differences were found between educational statuses of participant in terms of self-confidence (p<0.05). European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 83 Summani Ekici THE INVESTIGATION OF SUBMISSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF-RELIANCE LEVELS OF MOUNTAINEERS Table 9: Analysis of self-confidence of the participants according to the environment living in Variable Self-confidence Category n Rural 7 3.56 0.695 City 73 4.07 0.443 132 4.12 0.489 Rural 7 3.51 0.756 City 73 4.09 0.473 132 4.15 0.518 Rural 7 3.61 0.635 City 73 4.04 0.461 132 4.10 0.498 Metropolis Internal self-confidence Metropolis External self-confidence Metropolis F p 4.706 0.010* 5.281 0.006* 3.397 0.035* s X Difference 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-3 1-3 As it is seen table 9, there are significant differences between environments participant living in. As the result of comparison analysis, the differences in total self-confidence and in subscales weigh against the participant living in rural. It is seen that selfconfidence level of participant living in rural is lower than those living in city and metropolis (p<0.05). Table 10: Analysis of self-confidence of the participants according to branches Variable Self-confidence Category n X s Alpinism 177 4.10 0.498 Rock Climbing 27 4.19 0.320 Sport Climbing 6 3.73 0.430 Long Wall Climbing 2 3.01 0.021 177 4.12 0.533 Rock Climbing 27 4.23 0.313 Sport Climbing 6 3.67 0.386 Long Wall Climbing 2 3.00 0.000 177 4.07 0.497 Rock Climbing 27 4.15 0.416 Sport Climbing 6 3.83 0.499 Long Wall Climbing 2 3.03 0.044 Alpinism Internal self-confidence Alpinism External self-confidence F p 4.947 0.002* 5.409 0.001* 3.812 0.011* Difference 4-1 4-2 4-1 4-2 4-1 4-2 In table 10, it is seen that there are significant differences between branches that participants define themselves in terms of self-confidence. The athletes defining themselves as long wall climber have lower scores than other athletes in terms of total self-confidence, internal and external self-confidence (p<0.05). European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 84 Summani Ekici THE INVESTIGATION OF SUBMISSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF-RELIANCE LEVELS OF MOUNTAINEERS Table 11: Analysis of self-confidence of the participants according to sporting background Variable Self-confidence Internal self-confidence External self-confidence Category n X F p Difference 0.741 0.565 - 0.701 0.592 - 0.993 0.413 - s Less than 2 years 20 4.09 0.473 3 – 5 years 66 4.05 0.548 6 – 8 years 41 4.02 0.423 9 – 11 years 19 4.07 0.579 Less than 2 years 66 4.17 0.444 Less than 2 years 20 4.04 0.521 3 – 5 years 66 4.09 0.597 6 – 8 years 41 4.03 0.445 9 – 11 years 19 4.13 0.618 Less than 2 years 66 4.18 0.457 Less than 2 years 20 4,14 0.469 3 – 5 years 66 4.01 0.537 6 – 8 years 41 4.01 0.437 9 – 11 years 19 4.01 0.572 Less than 2 years 66 4.15 0.471 No significant differences were found between sporting backgrounds in terms of selfconfidence, as it is seen in table 11 5. Discussion and Conclusion In this study in which submissive behaviors and self-confidence levels of mountaineers were examined, athletes reported low scores in submissive behavior and high scores in self-confidence levels (Table 2). This result can show that individuals having these features tend to do mountaineering because nature sports involve concepts such as risk, challenge and being brave. In another finding, negative correlation was found between self-confidence and submissive behaviors (Table 3). In their study in which self-confidence levels and submissive behaviors of physical education teachers against school administrators were examined, Cengiz et al. (2014) found significant relationship between self-confidence and submissive behaviors, even this level was reported to be low. Submissive behavior is defined as an obligation to comply with an authority and it is contradictory to expect someone having submissive behaviors to act creating and believing own authority like it is two people in one body. This contrast is parallel with results of this study. No significant difference was found between demographic variables (table 5). This result can show that athletes having particular level of physical and psychological toughness took place in the education camp selected as the study field. Koç et al. (2010) European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 85 Summani Ekici THE INVESTIGATION OF SUBMISSIVE BEHAVIORS AND SELF-RELIANCE LEVELS OF MOUNTAINEERS found submissive behaviors of university students in mid-level. These results support our findings. When the findings of self-confidence were examined, it was found that the environment participants living in had impact on their self-confidence levels. It was found that self-confidence level of participants living in rural was lower than those living in city and metropolis (table 10). This result could be a result of that athletes living in metropolises and cities might get the opportunities such as socialization, communication, self-education and development, which are affecting self-confidence directly or indirectly, because self-confidence is a changing process (Ekinci, 2013), it is possible that self-confidence can change in different periods according to environment in which athletes living. The other variable in which self-confidence varied was branches defined by athletes. The athletes defined their branches as alpinism reported higher scores both in internal and external self-confidence (table 10). The reason for this result can be shown that alpinists are closer to the opportunities to socialize and that they participate group activities. Moreover, Alpinism includes high altitude activities such as tracking and hiking involving different walk style and long-period camping. Especially, high altitude activities depending on environmental factors and climbing group include some risks such as climate, height, and pressure can be the factors affecting the level of athletes’ self-confidence in this branch (Ponchia, Fattore, Tempesta, Thiene, Biasin ve Agostin, cited in Gürer et al., 2007). Consequently, as it is seen in the study of Ekici and Kırcan suggesting that nature sports camping has contributions to socialization of youth, it has been found that mountaineers have higher self-confidence and show generally no submissive behaviors. It was found that there was a low level of relationship between self-confidence and submissive behaviors of mountaineers. Self-confidence levels of mountaineers were found to be high according to their branches. 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Views, opinions and conclusions expressed in this research article are views, opinions and conclusions of the author(s). Open Access Publishing Group and European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science shall not be responsible or answerable for any loss, damage or liability caused in relation to/arising out of conflict of interests, copyright violations and inappropriate or inaccurate use of any kind content related or integrated on the research work. All the published works are meeting the Open Access Publishing requirements and can be freely accessed, shared, modified, distributed and used in educational, commercial and noncommercial purposes under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 7 │ 2017 89