European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1157218 THE IMPACT OF PROPOSED EXERCISES IN THE METHOD OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EXPLOSIVE POWER AND SOME BASIC SKILLS OF HANDBALL CATEGORY (U17) Baouche Khaledi, Laidani Hakim, Baizid Abdelkader, Saidi Amine PhD student, University of Bouira, Algeria Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the impact of plyometric training method on developing the explosive power and some basic skills in handball, by performing an experimental study where researchers chose one group pattern. This study was fulfilled on a sample of 12 players of Wafaa club in Ainwasara that belongs to Handball association of wilaya of Blida. After applying the suggested exercises, both pre-test results and post-test results of the explosive power (for upper and lower limbs) and some basic skills (performing the skills of aiming from jumping, passing and receiving the ball, dribble) were collected. The researchers treated these results statistically using arithmetic average, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient, T test, therefore, they came to the fact that there are significant statistical significance for dimensional tests in the physical tests (the explosive power of the arms, the explosive power of the legs), and there are also differences of statistical significance for dimensional test in skills tests (aiming from jumping, passing and receiving the ball, dribble). Basing on that, the researchers recommend the necessity of encouraging the coaches on using the plyometric training method due to its big importance in developing the physical and skills sides and avoiding the traditional followed methods. In addition, they also emphasize the necessity of linking between some kinetic and physical abilities and also the performance of the different skills in handball as well as adopting some plyometric Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 629 Baouche Khaled, Laidani Hakim, Baizid Abdelkader, Saidi Amine THE IMPACT OF PROPOSED EXERCISES IN THE METHOD OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EXPLOSIVE POWER AND SOME BASIC SKILLS OF HANDBALL CATEGORY (U17) training exercises in order to develop the explosives power which is very imperative for many skills. Keywords: plyometric training, explosive power, basic skills of handball 1. Introduction Handball is considered one of the sports games which needs to prepare the players physically, technically, schematically and psychologically for reaching the highest levels of sports. Thus, physical preparation is the basic cornerstone of handball which is a sport activity that depends on mastering the basic skills as well as the physical attributes. The process of linking the skill with each other is a must to reach the highest sports levels. However, physical preparation is a very important step towards the preparation of the team for best performance in matches. Ali Ben Saleh says that physical preparation is merely a development of the physical and kinetic attributes that play a big role in sports matches and mostly depends on their degree of development of sports results (Ali ben Saleh, 1994, p. 255). The muscular power is a basic element and main influential factor in the technical performance in training and competitions, with differentiations in the degree of relying on them in sports games such as handball. Specialized researchers in sports training agree on the importance of each of explosive power, thus the player having a big explosive power can –due to it- jump and set a wall against the shots on goal or aim with all its kinds and skillfully. Sports training methods are numerous and all aim to develop the technical and physical performance level in order to reach advance ranks in the different activities. Therefore, coaches want to reach the selection of the best methods of training and apply them and use the most modern ways that suit the specialized kind of activity. This is as an attempt to reach the investment of the most important physical abilities of the defined type of activity because of their direct impact on increasing the physical and technical levels of performance (Mufti Ibrahim Hammad, 1994, p. 66). Nowadays, reaching the athletic achievement is necessary and needs many necessary requirements to work to raise the level of athletic performance and fulfilling the best achievements. This can be achieved through following the best methods and ways that can achieve it. Thus, Plyometric training method was adopted by several coaches in several countries and they achieved advanced results in volleyball, handball, basketball, football and arena games, tack games, swimming, gymnastics and weightlifting. That is, Plyometric exercises and good level of techniques work together to European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 630 Baouche Khaled, Laidani Hakim, Baizid Abdelkader, Saidi Amine THE IMPACT OF PROPOSED EXERCISES IN THE METHOD OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EXPLOSIVE POWER AND SOME BASIC SKILLS OF HANDBALL CATEGORY (U17) enable the progress in the level of achievement of various sporting events and skills. (Bastosi Ahmed, 1999, page 294). As a result to the close association and the link between physical and technical preparation in handball, it has become necessary to pay attention to the elements of physical fitness, especially explosive force, which is one of the influential physical characteristics in the success of the performance of basic skills in handball. Researchers interested in athletic training noticed that most coaches do not pay attention to the use of the different scientific methods in developing the explosives power which negatively affected their levels in fast games during performing some basic skills such as the skill of aiming, passing the ball and dribble. Thus, researchers decided to use plyometric training method to know the impact of this method on developing the explosive power and some basic skill in handball.  All that led us to propose the following questions: To what extent do proposed exercises following the Plyometric method affect the explosive power and some basic skills of handball players?  Through the general question, we ask the following questions:  explosive power of handball players?  performance of the aiming from jump skill of handball players?  passing skill of handball  To what extent do proposed exercises following the Plyometric method affect the To what extent do proposed exercises following the Plyometric method affect the To what extent do proposed exercises following the Plyometric method affectthe players?. To what extent do proposed exercises following the Plyometric method affect the dribble skill of handball players? 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