European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1145913 THE ELABORATION OF THE MENTAL TRAINING PROGRAM AND EVALUATION OF ITS EFFECTS ON THE LEARNING OF YOUNG FOOTBALLERS Benrabah Kheiredine1i, Bennaja Mohamed2, Kharoubi Mohamed Fayçal3 ISTAPS Center University Tissemsilt, Algeria 1 ISTAPS University Alger, Algeria 3 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to know that the mental training through imagery allows improving the learning of individual defensive tactical principles in young footballers, and validate the program by experimental procedures that is to say, to study its effects on learning in young footballers. Twelve national footballers, aged 12 ± 1year participated in the experiment. Among this population, two groups including a group of physical training, technical, tactical (EPTT) and a group of physical training, technical, tactical and mental (EPTTM) were formed. The group (EPTTM) was subjected to 32 mental training sessions of 20 minutes spread over 4 months with two sessions per week. The compendium of measures was made by the experimenter. These measures consisted of all ratings assigned by judges; experts obtained by the players during the various competitions, tactical execution notes were identified and recorded in the form of penalty. The average individual tactical principles (marking, pressing, cover, superiority), footballers Group (EPTTM) increased significantly mannered penalty charges reduce the pre-test to post-test (1.93point vs 0.76 point p <0.05) ., while the players of the group (EPTT) increased insignificantly penalty charges decrease from pre-test to post-test (vs 1.66 1.86point point p> 0.05). The homogeneity of the groups (EPTTM) and (EPTT) during the pre-test, allows to suggest that mental training produces a better learning of the principles of individual tactics. This assessment allowed us to test the hypothesis raised. Indeed, the mental training associated with Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 594 Benrabah Kheiredine, Bennaja Mohamed, Kharoubi Mohamed Fayçal THE ELABORATION OF THE MENTAL TRAINING PROGRAM AND EVALUATION OF ITS EFFECTS ON THE LEARNING OF YOUNG FOOTBALLERS physical training, technical, tactical causes an improved learning of individual defense principles. Keywords: mental imagery, assessment, learning, individual defense tactics 1. Introduction Sport exposes the athlete to physical and mental demands. In training and in competition, the body has to push the limits of endurance, power, speed and strength. Similarly, the mind must be beyond the limits of concentration, self-control and determination. To become an elite athlete in any sport, you must meet a range of qualities that combine physical fitness, technical skills, tactical preparation and mental fitness. The constant quest for performance inherent in elite sport encourages all stakeholders (coaches, athletes, scientists) to developed various methods to optimize training, and improve outcomes; in recent years, the role of image and mental rehearsal in sports practice was particularly highlighted. Since the emergence of what is now known as cognitive psychology, psychologists are more concerned about the mental processes (interposed between the stimulus and response) that are responsible for learning. This concern has led them to think that learning, far from being a simple single process actually consists of a set of different processes leading to inner transformation of the individual. Motor learning is conceptualized as being under the control of cognitive processes used in solving motor problems. Many scientific studies, especially those of cognitive psychology and even more particularly those involving mental imagery (N. Knight, 1987 N. Chevalier, Denis Boucher and Mr. D., 1987; Denis M. 1985; Denis M., N. Chevalier, Eloi S., 1989; Hall CR 1985), challenge value the role of the image in the acquisition of a motor skill or motor performance. This renewed scientific interest in the image is not unrelated to the return to fashion of the demonstration, verbal explanation or of body manipulation, all concepts and practices to educational thrown from oblivion 1970 condition now known as a multiple modeling increase the accuracy of cognitive representations and motor achievements thereunder (W. R. Carroll and Bandura A., 1990). The effects of mental practice are found both among beginners. These results are an argument for explanatory theories of cognitive kind. For these mental rehearsal takes its efficiency the possibility it offers about building and mentally consider a representation of the situation and his own performance. What we allow to understand cognitive science is that there is a great diversity of learning styles and that these European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 595 Benrabah Kheiredine, Bennaja Mohamed, Kharoubi Mohamed Fayçal THE ELABORATION OF THE MENTAL TRAINING PROGRAM AND EVALUATION OF ITS EFFECTS ON THE LEARNING OF YOUNG FOOTBALLERS depend players, abilities and motivations, but also situations of learning and types of physical activity into play. The mental image, which is the psychological representation of an act to perform, is a widely used teaching technique among top athletes. However, it could be developed to improve the gestural skills and learning of technical and tactical actions in football to respond quickly and appropriately to events of a match. Football is in direct contact with the problem of taking information. It is obliged to select relevant information and interpret them appropriately to build an appropriate motor response. The player is often confronted with spots presenting several alternatives for choosing a solution. In this issue, the player reacts even more effectively to the socio motor actions it is able to anticipate future events, or even cause them. From his experiences in the game, the player builds a look of a functional chain of (Mariot, 1996). The effectiveness of this functional chain is mainly characterized by two elements: the preparation has the action from the implementation of preparatory adjustments (anticipation) in the implementation of technical and tactical actions and the notion of pretense or provocation incorrect behavior in the opponent. It aims to show the fundamental place of the strategy and tactics in the design and learning team sports. According to (Grehaine J., 1992), highlights the complex nature of 'tactical act play', it seeks to identify the components:    Perception and analysis of the situation; Mental solution of the problem; Solution driving the problem (its result is the practical solution). However, such sequence would correspond to an action grafting is on immobility. But it must be noted that, in practice, the player has an almost uninterrupted activity. We can speak here of a continual change in motor activity in its quality, in quantity and in its spatial orientation. The same author aims to systematically develop the cognitive abilities of a player closely with a driving training. The limited scope of this article does not allow us to extensively develop this problem (see N. Knight, 1988; Denis M. Knight N, and S. Eloi, 1989). We will retain the findings of (D. L. Feltz and Landers M. D., 1983) on sixty North American; the research is examining the effects of mental training on learning motor both in the beginner than the expert. Mental training is here understood in the sense of a systematic improvement in the use of cognitive and emotional resources and organization as a strategy. In the light of the literature mentioned above, the hypothesis of our study in learning the defensive individual tactics, mental imagery training leads to improved performance. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 596