European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1135310 THE RELATION BETWEEN SELF-ESTEEM AND JOB SATISFACTION OF PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS OF YOUTH SERVICES AND SPORTS Ahmet Yılmaz Akbayraki G(m(şhane University, School of Physical Education and Sport, G(m(şhane, Turkey Abstract: While the purpose of this research is to investigate the relation between the job satisfaction and self-esteem of provincial directors of youth and sports, their self-esteem and job satisfaction has also been investigated with regard to some demographic variables. As data collection tools, Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory , Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale and Demographic Information Form developed by Stanley Coopersmith have been used. The statistics of Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney U and Correlation Analysis have been used in the research. Following the statistics performed, a significant difference hasn’t been established between the variables of self-esteem of the participants, age, educational background, term of employment, term of employment as a manager, sex and marital status. No significant difference has been found between the job satisfaction of participants and sex; between the term of employment and term of employment as a manager. It has been determined that the scores of the individuals with a bachelor’s degree are significantly higher than those having master’s or PhD degree in the sub-dimensions of extrinsic satisfaction, intrinsic satisfaction and general satisfaction in job satisfaction, there is a significant difference between the extrinsic sub-dimension scores of the participants and the variable of age, extrinsic satisfaction scores of the individuals aged 40 and above are significantly higher than the individuals aged between 30-34. According to the results of Spearman correlation analysis, it has been ascertained that there is a negatively moderate relation between the self-esteem and extrinsic satisfaction and a positively moderate relation is in question between the self-esteem and general satisfaction. Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 548 Ahmet Yılmaz Akbayrak THE RELATION BETWEEN SELF-ESTEEM AND JOB SATISFACTION OF PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS OF YOUTH SERVICES AND SPORTS Keywords: provincial directors of youth and sports, job satisfaction, self-esteem 1. Introduction Organizations have emerged from the need of individuals to cooperate with each other in order to achieve certain goals they aim in social life. In order for organizations to survive, they need a common aim to be realized and the individuals willing to realize this aim and communicating with each other. Sports organizations, which are open systems, aim to provide sports to individuals, to disseminate it in the society and to realize sports services. In order for sports organizations to achieve this purpose, there is a need for highly productive, enthusiastic and self-confident employees having high performance within the organization, contributing to the efficiency of the organization and feeling themselves effective and successful (Akbulut, 2015:2). One of the most important and necessary conditions for employees to be successful, happy and productive is the concept of "self-esteem" that guides the personality traits of employees. The self is the sum of the individual's physical and mental characteristics, it means the recognition and evaluation of all these characteristics that the individual possesses Sarıçam, : . The self is not merely an assessment of the individual's particular characteristics but a reaction to the same environment in the direction of his/her experiences by perceiving his/her surroundings as a result of the relation, communication and interaction with this surrounding (Özerkan, 2004:109). Self-Esteem is a structure emerging as feeling oneself valuable, being accepted, liked in the society, revealing the skills, knowledge and abilities, succeeding and boasting about the achievements and acceptance and adoption of their own physical characteristics and structured following the self-judgement and self-assessment and it is fed from three main sources such as respect of others, competency and assessment of these two sources by individuals for themselves (selfdom) (Özkan, 1994:4). Occupational satisfaction - which directs the business life of employees, makes them happy and peaceful in the working environment and carries them to the success in the business life - expresses a pleasant emotional valuation arising from the work or work experiences of employees, i.e. and what they think and how they feel about the work (Colquitt et al. 2015:98). Job satisfaction is a very important structure in organizational behavior and it is related to important results including job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, absenteeism and life satisfaction (Heller et al. 2002:815). European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 549 Ahmet Yılmaz Akbayrak THE RELATION BETWEEN SELF-ESTEEM AND JOB SATISFACTION OF PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS OF YOUTH SERVICES AND SPORTS There are varieties of factors that enable job satisfaction to realize at different levels. While the factors such as personality, previous experiences, age, sex, educational background and duration of service are considered as individual factors, job itself and its place in society, opportunities for promotion, recognition, working conditions, managerial attitudes, physical environment, employee relations, whether the job is suitable for the individual and the factors related to rewards are among the organizational factors Aşık, : 7. Self-Esteem and job satisfaction emerge as an important concept that can be met by the interactions of both organizations and those who work in organizations. Therefore, "self-esteem and job satisfaction" is highly important and directly proportional both to the provincial directors being the employees of the directorate of youth services and sports called as a sports organization and to the degree at which level the sports organization they belong to can reach its targets. This highly important organic connection reveals the necessity of determining the job satisfaction and selfesteem of provincial directors of youth services and sports and evaluating the relation between them in the dilemma of provincial directors of youth services and sports and sports organization Aydoğan, : . For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 550