European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1134948 Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 KNOW-HOW AND METHODICAL GUIDANCE FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS CONCERNING SOME OF THE MAIN FIELDS OF THE PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT Ardian Shingjergjii Prof. Assoc. Dr. Faculty of Education Sciences, “leksandër Xhuvani , University of Elbasan, Albania Abstract: Child development is a lifelong process being associated with a series of specific changes which result to be more visible and vigorous in childhood. Achievements in technology with which the present-day children are being grown up as well as the advance of science have brought a challenging reality for parents, teachers and adults concerning quests and dilemmas they are being faced with in the course of their children’s growth and development. In these terms, this study aims to convey some know-how and methodical guidance for both parents and teachers being involved with pre-school children education, mainly related to some of the main fields of the child’s development. I think and hope that treated issues concerning pre-school children thorough development will serve as guidance and contribution to their healthy growing and education. Keywords: children, pre-school, development, physic, motor, emotional, social 1. Introduction Development is an all-round process of changes occurring to individuals during the whole course of their life. These changes are closely related to the process of the children’s growing up, communication and move towards autonomy, assuming their role in society (Jareg, E.P.,1994), as well as with other features, qualities and skills serving as indicators in the main fields of development such as the cognitive, physical, Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 541 Ardian Shingjergji KNOW-HOW AND METHODICAL GUIDANCE FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS CONCERNING SOME OF THE MAIN FIELDS OF THE PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT motor, psycho-social and social domains. In these terms, teachers and parents should have a thorough knowledge of the phenomenon occurring in the course of this period of child’s development in order to understand and affect as much as they can to the normal development of their children. In order to make the evaluation of the pre-school children’s development possible, the university pedagogues of education faculties as well as specialists of the child’s early development should identify some of the peculiar features determining abilities which are achieved, more or less, at the same period of the children’s lifetime which might serve as indicators of the main fields of child’s growth. “mong principles leading to child’s development, a very important one is the inclusive and independent principle, meaning that child’s development has been simultaneously affected and affects all those s/he is in relation with. (Evans, J.L., Myers, R.G., Ilfeld, E.M., 2000) However, it should always be kept in mind that every child is a unique individual and its development might be different from other children. This means that every child will develop in its own time and ways. As an argument for this assertion, it is enough to mention the fact that, generally babies walk at 12 months of their life but this does not mean that there are no children that began to walk when they are 11 or 13 months old. These variations should not, anyway, be confused with the disorders that can be displayed in the course of the child’s development. If teachers or parents notice that something is going wrong or that the child is not developing properly , they should share their concerns with specialists, since, if deficiencies in their development are noticed early they can be treated successfully. Children that have turned to three years old should not be considered babies any more. They are able to do greater things both physically and mentally. 3 – 6 years old children are developed slowly as compared to the previous lifetime period but they have an obvious progress in terms of their physical and mental development. Also, it is supposed that these years are the golden years of their development, even determining their personality. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 542