European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1133907 THE EVALUATION OF FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF THE GAMES RELATED WITH HAZELNUT AND WALNUT IN THE HOPA REGION/DISTRICT, TURKEY Kamil Boğaç İskender1i, Ahmet Yikilmaz2 1 Gaziantep University, Physical Education and Sport Department, Gaziantep, Turkey 2 Bitlis Eren University, Physical Education and Sport Department, Bitlis, Turkey Abstract: Hopa is a kind of region with difficulties of economic life. The territorial property of the region has some boundaries for mechanical cultivation causing an effect on social life. People tried to concentrate on the activities that they got used to do in the past. The things produced, took place in their social life. The production of hazelnut and walnut, important source of agriculture, took place not only in economics and nutrition but also in life. These were used as a tool for play in addition to the art of decoration and oil industry. Keywords: functional properties, games, Hopa region/district 1. Introduction Hopa, district of Artvin, is located in the most eastern part of East Black Sea Region. This district is the lowest due to the height and there are no meadow and pasture area found. Hopa has a scattered settlement due to the territory. This property causes the agriculture in the region and prevents the usage of mechanical agriculture. Agriculture in the region depends on the various trees. Thus, endemic fruit agriculture comes out such as citrus, tea, hazelnut, kiwi and walnut. Hazelnut and walnut are one of the fruits Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 493 Kamil Boğaç İskender, Ahmet Yikilmaz THE EVALUATION OF FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF THE GAMES RELATED WITH HAZELNUT AND WALNUT IN THE HOPA REGION/DISTRICT, TURKEY with a hard shell. This shell has some properties in addition to the fruit property. Shell includes some components used for the treatment of some diseases and fruits inside are rich of some minerals and vitamins. Shells can be used for artistic work and can be processed for the fuel industry due to the burning properties for a long time. In addition, these are indispensable play tools for the children in the region. Play is significant for the development of children. The game is mostly collective activities, which started with the socialization of people from the primitive period, mostly emerged with imitations, sometimes preparation for war, sometimes hunting and sometimes has ritual motifs Tuzcuoğulları, 6 . Unfortunately, nowadays playing on streets lessened and people evolve into individuality instead of collectivity. Bad thoughts come into life instead of respect to the other people, justice and equity due to the different thoughts of people. Multi-user On-Line Game attracts the interest of children, a need for socialization and elimination Alıncak et al., 6 . However, ancient people mentioned the role of play on moral and social development by saying that play was the manor for children. (Ayan et al., 2015) Game-based physical activity Alıncak, 6a; 16b; 2017) also affects healthy life style behaviors (Öner et al., 2016) and some motoric features such as flexibility (Özer et al., 2017). The aim of this study was to reveal the role of hazelnut and walnut for the people living in Hopa and the function on social and economic life. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 494