European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1117319 Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 THE EFFECT OF CORE AND BALANCE TRAINING ON SINGLE-LEG SWAY PARAMETERS AND WELL-DIRECTED KICK OF MALE SOCCER PLAYERS Kamil Erdem, Ceren Akyüz Faculty of Sports Sciences, Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the effect of eight-week core and balance training on single-leg sway parameters and well-directed kick of male soccer players. 24 male players of an amateur soccer club aged 14 to 15 participated in the study. The participants were randomized into an experimental group (EG, n=12) performing core and balance trainings with soccer training and a control group (CG, n=12) performing only their routine soccer training programs for 8 weeks. Biodex Balance SD (Biodex Inc., Shirley, NY) device was used to measure single-leg sway parameters and Mor– Christian general aptitude soccer test was used to evaluate well-directed kick. EG athletes showed statistically better results in well-direct kick and dominant-leg-sway parameters than CG athletes (p < 0.05) while there was not seen any changes on nondominant leg sway parameters (p > 0.05). When classical soccer practice supported by core and unstable surface exercises, possible developments in balance affects dominant and non-dominant legs of athletes to achieve in soccer the necessary skills more easily so it can be concluded that regular soccer training with core and balance exercises would be particularly effective in improving balance parameters and soccer skills. Keywords: soccer, kick performance, postural sway, single leg static balance 1. Introduction The match results in soccer is determined by multiple factors and soccer is characterized by the interaction of technical, tactical, physical, physiological, and Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 366 Kamil Erdem, Ceren Akyüz THE EFFECT OF CORE AND BALANCE TRAINING ON SINGLE-LEG SWAY PARAMETERS AND WELL-DIRECTED KICK OF MALE SOCCER PLAYERS psychological components (Praça et al., 2015, Chmura et al., 2014). Players must accelerate the game, use the energy economically and use the ball efficiently. Therefore, improving force, power, speed, agility, technical skills and running economy are important, because soccer contains all of these skills Kesler et al., , Bozdoğan et al., 2014) however, few studies have investigated the relationship between these factors in soccer players (Praça et al., 2015, Chmura et al., 2014, Ali, 2011). Soccer players cover between 10 and 12 km during a match. The breakdown of the movements performed within this displacement is as follows: 37% jogging, 25% walking, 11% sprinting, 20% submaximal movements, 7% backwards running (Bangsbo et al., 2006). It is necessary for the soccer players to use the ball well and to score while perform these physical activities. The requirements of technical skill vary depending on the sports branch. In order to display advanced athletic performances, an athlete must improve his technical skills. The value of the player is determined in terms of talent by the factors such as making assists, scoring, passing and defencing Şaşmaz Ataçocuğu and Zelyurt 6 . However, technical skills evolve progressively. To develop these skills, long training sessions are required. Therefore, it is very important to include technical training in practice sessions (Plainos et al., 2011). The word balance is used to describe training designed to create movement symmetry between the right and left sides of the body and to promote a balance of mobility and stability within the body. Mobility and stability should be the starting point for a training program. Although mobility and stability may sound as if they are opposites, they must exist together to form an effective foundation for movement and activity. If testing reveals poor mobility and stability, you must focus on an effective fundamental mobility and stability program before any other kind of training. This type of training, when done correctly, will greatly improve movement awareness, especially between the right and left sides of the body (Cook, 2003). Balance, pelvic stability and posture are all heavily influenced by sensory information from the foot. The sole of your foot is sensitive for a good reason: it is constantly sending information into your central nervous system so that you can instantly and unconsciously adjust your body’s alignment Roll et al., . Balance can further be broken down into three aspects: steadiness, symmetry, and dynamic stability. Steadiness refers to the ability to maintain a given posture with minimal extraneous movement (sway). The term symmetry is used to describe equal weight distribution between the weight-bearing components (e.g., the feet in a standing position, the buttocks in a sitting position), and dynamic stability is the ability to move within a given posture without loss of balance (Deborah, 1997). European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 367 Kamil Erdem, Ceren Akyüz THE EFFECT OF CORE AND BALANCE TRAINING ON SINGLE-LEG SWAY PARAMETERS AND WELL-DIRECTED KICK OF MALE SOCCER PLAYERS Soccer is a sport requiring a plethora of technical skills as well as static, semidynamic and dynamic balance. Being able to hit the ball and different technical movements in soccer require posture on one foot. In addition, the stability of the support foot is important in order to be able to perform the hitting motion as correctly as possible. Therefore, the postural control of soccer players is assessed during one-leg stance depending on specific situations in soccer Şimşek & Ertan, . Balance plays a pivotal role in the harsh conditions, such as pushing opponents, slippery grass, changes to the ball’s orbit, moving, etc. facing soccer players during a soccer game (Evangelos et al., 2012). The core which is strong and efficient is crucial to maintain in balance is located in center of gravity of body and it contributes all movements. Core stability is necessary to maintain the integrity of the spinal column, provide resistance to perturbations, and furnish a stable base for movement of the extremities and core training is the kind of exercises done with the individual’s own body weight and aiming to strengthen the lumbo pelvic muscles and deep muscles that keep the spine balanced (Williams and Wilkins, 2008; Atan, 2013). Core and balance exercises have gained tremendous interest in recent years and have become an integral part of training programs (Prieske et al., 2016; Yaggie and Campbell 2006). In literature, it has been concluded that core training prevents occurrence of some injuries and yields positive results for performance (Karacabey et al., 2016). Likewise, Caglayan et al., 2015 reported that neuromuscular and balance exercises were also effective on performance, not just on lower extremity injuries. The focus of this article has been investigating the effect of core and balance training on single-leg sway parameters and well-directed kick of male soccer players. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 368