European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1115508 EVALUATION OF THE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE BEHAVIORS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS Levent Kiliç, Kubilay Çimeni İstanbul Gelişim University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Turkey Abstract: In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the healthy lifestyle behaviors of physical education teachers, working in Istanbul Bahçelievler, district according to some variables. The sample of the research carried out as descriptive research; It constitutes a total of 98 physical education teachers in 65 middle schools and high schools in Bahçelievler district of Istanbul. In the study, a structured questionnaire consisting of two parts was used as data collection method. In the first part of the questionnaire; questions about the demographics of the participants, in the second part, in order to evaluate the healthy lifestyle behaviors of the physical education teachers Walker and ark(1996) developed by Bahar and ark (2008) used the Turkish version of healthy living behavior scale. The obtained data were recorded in the SPSS package program. Statistical analysis Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis H difference analysis were applied. As a result, although significant differences were found in some of the subscales of healthy lifestyle behavior according to gender, age, marital status and professional experience variables, no significant difference was found in some subscales. Keywords: health, healthy life style behaviors, physical education teachers Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 317 Levent Kiliç, Kubilay Çimen EVALUATION OF THE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE BEHAVIORS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS 1. Introduction Today, the concept of health is defined in different ways depending on the reasons such as the worker and field of expertise of the person who defines it. Among them, the most widely accepted and widely accepted definition of health is the definition of health done by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1946. According to this definition, health; "Not only that there is no illness or disability, but also that there is full peace and goodness in physical, spiritual and social aspects". The modern and contemporary aspect of this definition is that it does not constrain the disease to the extent of symptoms and treats the person as a whole psychologically and socially (Baltas, 2008). Healthy life behaviors are conscious behaviors that individuals try to implement to protect and improve the health of themselves and others. Demographic factors are one of the most important factors in shaping individuals' healthy lifestyle behaviors. Attitudes and behaviors towards the healthy lifestyle of individuals have an important place in the prevention or treatment of many diseases. Because it is necessary to increase the levels of positive health and lifestyle of individuals and society so that diseases, deaths and injuries can be minimized. Health promotion also includes health education and health behaviors Özvarış, 200 . The first steps in developing healthy lifestyle behaviors are taken in society and in the family, then developed and changed with education Yalçınkaya et al., 200 . Because education is an ongoing phenomenon, the basic health education and acquired health behaviors taken by schools constitute health habits that will affect children for a lifetime. One of the most important stakeholders that schools can contribute to improve health is physical education teachers. The knowledge and attitudes of the physical education teachers, who are often very popular and sampled students, to their health-related students will have a significant share in the growth of healthy generations. Therefore, in the formation of a healthy society, physical education teachers are an important group with the reason that they are both role models and power to influence other individuals. For this reason, physical education teachers should demonstrate motivation-enhancing behaviors in order to develop positive health behaviors for the individuals around them who are not aware of the importance of developing health. Preservation and development of health is one of the most important issues in people's life, perhaps the most important. Many studies have been carried out on the way of healthy life to date and the effect of demographic factors on health behaviors has been investigated. The goal of these surveys is to increase the control of individuals on their health and to prevent diseases that occur with their lifestyle. Therefore, in this study, it was aimed to evaluate the healthy lifestyle behaviors of the physical education teachers working in the province of Bahçelievler in Istanbul according to some variables. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 318 Levent Kiliç, Kubilay Çimen EVALUATION OF THE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE BEHAVIORS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 319