European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1112401 DETERMINATION OF PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS OF ATHLETES PLAYING BASKETBALL IN INFRASTRUCTURE LEAGUES IN CANAKKALE, TURKEY Serkan Işik1i, Fatma Öztürk2 1 Canakkale Eighteen March University, Can Vocational School, Turkey 2 Canakkale Eighteen March University, Biga Vocational School, Turkey Abstract: This study was conducted with the aim of determining the problem solving skills of infrastructure athletes playing basketball in the local league in the province of Canakkale. A total of 130 athletes (111 male, 19 female) participated as volunteers in the study. The average age of the participants was 12, 76 ± 1, 72 who are trained in the sports clubs in Çanakkale. In the study, personal information form created by the researchers and "Personal Problem Solving Inventory" developed by Tümkaya and Yerlikaya (2009) were used. The scale is a 5-point likert-type measure consisting of 50 items and 5 sub-dimensions (Progressive Negative Approach, Constructive Problem Solving, Self-Disbelief, Taking No Responsibility and Persistent-Perseverant Approach). The answers to the scale items are ranked from "I do not agree at all" to "I completely agree". SPSS-20: 0 package program was used in the analysis of the data. In binary comparisons, t test was used for independent groups and Pearson correlation analysis was used for interrelated research. The results were considered significant at p <0.05 level. According to the results of the study, problem-solving abilities of basketball players were determined, arithmetic means and standard deviations values were found in the sub-dimensions as stated; according to sex, negative attitude towards problem in males (29.47 ± 4.95), in females (28.63±4.03), constructive problem solving was found in males (26.90 ± 5.22), in females (28.42 ± 4.71), lack of self-esteem was found in males (22.35 ± 5.71), females (24.21 ± 6.07), taking no responsibility was found in males Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 308 Serkan Işik, Fatma Öztürk DETERMINATION OF PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS OF ATHLETES PLAYING BASKETBALL IN INFRASTRUCTURE LEAGUES IN CANAKKALE, TURKEY (29.94±5.93), in females (30.10±6.99), persistent-perseverant approach was observed in males (23.70 ± 5.24), in females (23.63 ± 5.29). There was no significant difference (p>0,05) in problem solving sub-dimensions according to gender. There was no significant relationship between age and problem solving sub-dimensions. As a result; when investigating the problem-solving skills of athletes dealing with the basketball branch, there was no significant relationship between age and sex. In order to determine the problem-solving skills of the players and to develop them with appropriate methods, we believe that it will contribute to out-of-play performance by having the trainees who will provide professional support to coaches and sportsmen in sports. Keywords: problem solving skills, basketball 1. Introduction People encounter with various situations in their daily life. The way of solving a problem depends on the individual’s personal traits. While some individuals apply effective strategies to solve a problem, the others may be ineffective in problem solving. Individuals need to use problem-solving abilities to be able to build healthy relationships and sustain their lives in an effective and compatible way. In short, problem solving process is defining relationships and the reasons, interpreting and evaluating the options and applying them which means utilizing the intelligence in full potential. (Yüksel, 2008) Nowadays, having some traits and thinking abilities, which require kindness and delicacy gain importance to be able to overcome the difficulties. In this context, interpersonal problem solving ability is accepted as one of the abilities which need to be supported from the early ages and proceeds throughout the life. Anlıak and Dinçer, 2005) The relationship between performance and success in sports, which has been improved positively with the development of technology, is being researched constantly. (1,2,3). Performance is a factor containing many main and sub dimensions and influencing the success in different ways. (3,4). There are various factors affecting the performance and success in each branch of sports. Arranging these factors properly affects the performance and success in a positive way. Therefore, the relationship between the performance and success is being researched in multi ways. (1,2,3). Utilizing these factors in a limited and insufficient way during the performance causes some problems especially in team sports. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 309 Serkan Işik, Fatma Öztürk DETERMINATION OF PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS OF ATHLETES PLAYING BASKETBALL IN INFRASTRUCTURE LEAGUES IN CANAKKALE, TURKEY One of these problems is players having difficulties in creating alternatives in variable conditions, even if their physical capacity is sufficient. This situation affects not only the player’s individual performance but also the team’s performance in a negative way. Solving the problems encountered during the games in an efficient way is important in terms of performance. A problem is an obstacle appeared against the existing unified efforts to be able to reach a goal. (Bingham, 1998) Problem solving is a cognitive and behavioral process starts with defining the problem and continues until finding a solution to the problem. Öğ(lm(ş, The situation described as; detecting, defining and solving the problem, is a process to find solutions for the challenges encountered in attaining the goal (5). In this process, the players who have high problem solving skills are able to solve the problems in accordance with the situation. However, when the research studies are analyzed it is observed that the performance factors (build, technique, tactics, motoric abilities) investigated in basketball branch are limited (3). Detecting the problems, perceiving and solving them properly during the trainings will improve the team’s performance. The necessity of specifying and improving the problem solving skills of basketball players apart from their technical, tactic and motoric abilities arises in today’s basketball world. In line with this necessity, this research study has been done to investigate the problem solving skills of the basketball players who play in youth setup in Canakkale province. The objective of the research study is to supply support in planning process to improve the problem solving skills of basketball player who are in developmental age. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 310