European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1098583 GREEN EXERCISE: AN ECOLOGICAL DYNAMICS APPROACH TO PROMOTING HEALTHY LIFESTYLES AND WELL-BEING IN ZIMBABWE Gondo Thembelihlei Senior Lecturer, Physical Education and Sport, Zimbabwe Open University, Box 1210, Masvingo Region, Zimbabwe Abstract: Research has proven that contact with natural environment and green space promotes good healthy lifestyles and well-being of individuals (Henwood, 2001; Wells & Evans, 2003; and Pretty, 2004). Green exercise is seen as a strategy that helps to reconnect human beings with the natural world and has important implications for public and environment health. Green exercise occurs through interaction with natural environments to enhance human health and well-being. Thus, the presence of trees and natural environment should encourage more frequent use of outdoor space and the experience of nature should be seen to reduce mental fatigue for those involved in physical activity. Although critiques of green exercise have their own views, this paper aims to look at the importance of interacting with nature in green exercise and the impact this can have on the lifestyles and well-being of individuals. This paper will use the Ecological dynamics approach as a theoretical framework which emphasizes performer-environment relationships and their dynamics. This theory views humans as complex systems in their interactions with living systems and their environment. The theory is an approach for studying processes, perception, decision making and action in dynamic performance environments and looks at those taking part in sport within the environment and emphasize that they must focus on safety practice bearing in mind that affordances can be utilized in different activity environments. Ecological dynamics perspective is proposed to underpin observed effects of green exercise and physical activity. The paper will use the library approach as the methodology. It is hoped that the importance of being green and environmentally friendly will be recommended so Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 238 Gondo Thembelihle GREEN EXERCISE: AN ECOLOGICAL DYNAMICS APPROACH TO PROMOTING HEALTHY LIFESTYLES AND WELL-BEING IN ZIMBABWE that people adopt green workouts. Considerations of re-usable water bottles, ecofriendly equipment, material and clothing for making workouts greener will be considered for adoption. Keywords: green exercise, ecological dynamics, natural environment, healthy lifestyles, well-being, physical activity, eco-friendly 1. Introduction Sedentariness is consuming a great deal of people’s time and University workers are no exception as they tend to spend a great deal of their time glued to their computers without thinking of engaging in physical activity. Digital revolution can be said to result in more sedentarism by adults, causing limited outdoor activity. This can also result in many health problems. Huge medical bills and costs can therefore be saved if individuals engage in more physical activity. Sport is not only a physical activity but can be viewed as an area where people can get opportunities to interact socially. Jarvie & Maguire (1994) observed that sport and leisure activities form an integral part of a social life in all communities and can be seen as intricately linked to society and politics. Sport therefore, improves health, fitness and education levels whilst also being seen as a cost-effective approach for dealing with health and social problems. Sport provides a chance for meaningful social interaction by participants and can be seen as a collective experience because participation results in more direct physical contact between participants, leading to interpersonal relationships. (Harms, 1982) Thus, being green or being environmentally friendly has become much more popular over the years. Recently, this "green mind-set" has crossed over into the exercise and fitness world and people are now more interested in having green workouts. You may be surprised by how many little changes one can make on how to exercise, what to wear during exercise and what one can do at the gym to make oneself overally fit and a routine greener and more environmentally friendly. It is vital for one to take a few minutes to reflect on one’s current exercise routine and see if there are changes that can be made to have a green workout. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 239