European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │Issue 12 │2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1069662 EXAMINE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LEVELS OF LIFE SATISFACTION AND LEISURE TIME SATISFACTION OF FOREIGN STUDENTS STUDY AT ERCIYES UNIVERSITY, TURKEY Ulucan Hakkı1, Beltekin Enes2i, Kuyulu İhsan3, Berk Yunus4 1 Department of Sport Management, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey 2 Physical Education and Sport Teacher School, University of Bingol, Turkey 3 Physical Education and Sport Teacher School, University of Harran, Turkey 4 Physical Education and Sport Teacher School, University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Turkey Abstract: The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between the levels of life satisfaction and leisure time satisfaction of foreign students study at Erciyes University. The research group totally consists of 220 foreign students, 147 of them are male and 73 of them are female students study at Erciyes University. In order to obtain lesiure time satisfaction level data, ''Leisure Time Satisfaction Scale'' developed by Karlı et al. In 8 and 'Life Satisfaction Scale' developed in 1985 by Diener et al. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of gender variance, while there was a meaningful difference between the groups according to the place they live, the sporting situation, the type of activity they attended and the way they affect their classes. There was an important difference found between the groups according to their gender, sporting activities, activity types they attended and their influence on their courses, while there was no significant difference found between the groups according to their residence status in life satisfaction levels. There was a positive relationship found between the leisure time satisfaction levels and the life satisfaction levels of the foreign students who participated in the study. As a result, as the level of satisfaction of foreign Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 152 Ulucan Hakkı, Beltekin Enes, Kuyulu İhsan, Berk Yunus EXAMINE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LEVELS OF LIFE SATISFACTION AND LEISURE TIME SATISFACTION OF FOREIGN STUDENTS STUDY AT ERCIYES UNIVERSITY, TURKEY students who study at Erciyes University increases then their level of satisfaction also increases. Keywords: leisure time satisfaction, life satisfaction, foreign students 1. Introduction Nowadays, different definitions are being made about the concept of time, which is especially popular among contemporary people. Time is one of the most precious events a person has. These days, one of the problems that people often experience is a time problem. Work life, which takes a large part of people's time, leaves no free time for themselves (Mutlu, 2008). In recent years, as in all fields, the number of studies on free time and quality of life in the field of physical education and sports increased (2016) Comparison of Physical Activity Levels and Quality of Life Levels (Bitlis Province), Öztürerru (2013) The Level of Physical Activity and Quality of Life of University Employees 6 , studies of Gön(lateş 6 The Impact of Recreational Participation on Quality of Life in Different Countries, (2016) An Analysis of the Effects of Participation in Leisure Activities in the Prevention of Aggression, Violence and Hooliganism Behavior in Football Audiences, Serdar (2016) Satisfaction of Freelance Time Events and the Perceived Freedom Levels of University Students' Participation, Zerengök (2016) International Students'; Analysis of Social Cohesion Through Active Participation in Leisure Activities: An Example of Celal Bayar University and Lakot (2015) We can show these works as an example of the studies on the sense of Leisure Time and Disabilities in Physical Education Teacher Candidates. As a word, time is 'a permanent process of events coming from past to present and continuing to the future' (Smith, 1998, Güçlü, 2001). And Leisure time is defined as the time when one is free from all necessities or connections for himself and others, and when he will deal with an activity he chooses on his own choosing, that is, the person is absolutely independent and free (Tezcan, 1993). In other words, leisure time; (Torkildsen, 2005), after fulfilling the practical needs of life (working hours, physiological needs such as eating and sleeping). As noted by Tinsley and Eldredge (1995), free time activities include; physical exercise, play, arts and cultural activities, to satisfy one's psychological needs, to make them feel good and to contribute to the development of their social behavior (transferred by Hsieh et al., 2004). Leisure time word is used as free time reserves in Turkish sources. However, the meaning of "empty" in terms of meaning does not exactly meet the concept of "leisure" (Özbey and Çelebi, 2003). In accordance with this thought, Kelly mentioned this; if something is being done European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 153 Ulucan Hakkı, Beltekin Enes, Kuyulu İhsan, Berk Yunus EXAMINE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LEVELS OF LIFE SATISFACTION AND LEISURE TIME SATISFACTION OF FOREIGN STUDENTS STUDY AT ERCIYES UNIVERSITY, TURKEY within the time frame, then it is not a leisure time (Kelly, 1990, Gökçe, 2008). Therefore, the concept of leisure time will be used in the study instead of the concept of leisure time. Özbey, Güzel and Çelebi (2012) indicated the importance of recreational programs in the positive development of youth; they determined that in these activities; young people have achieved gains in self-confidence emotion, self-expression, communication, tolerance and healthy living. At this point, university learning period is the most important process of behavior patterns that will continue for years. Participation in recreational activities; Ağaoglu and Eker, 6 and positively affects the important processes of individuals' lives (job satisfaction, life satisfaction, family life, etc.). In the process of transition from individuality to sociality, the process of cohabitation of the individual with the most crowded communities is seen during the student days (Balcı and İlhan, 6 . University learning is the most important process of behaviors that will last for years (Korkmaz, 2000). The students in higher education institutions have a very important place in the population of Turkey which has a young structure. Besides this, young people are the potential and trust of their sensitive and dynamic structure for the future of the country (Aybek, 2007). Every positive attitude in this process will take one step forward in happiness for the individual (Korkmaz, 2000). Ward et al. (2005) have indicated that International Students are 'so-journer' in the literature, namely 'temporary residents or students in circulation'. Ward et al. (2005) refer to 'so-journer', or 'temporary guests', who are temporarily settled for training, work or voluntary work for a period of 6 months to 5 years. International students are in a group known as very old temporary residents. The international adaptation of international students, university and residents are provided via cultural orientations and activities. When leisure time activities offered to international students at universities, it is observed that these activities are not presented regularly and programmatically. In addition to this, scientific studies on the benefits of these activities to international students are also insufficient. In general, studies evaluating international students and their free time participation in Turkey are inadequate. International students, as well as other university students have wished and expectations that they can enjoy social, cultural, sporting, and so on in order to pass the university's academic environment as well as their leisure time (Zerengök, 2016) The concept of Quality of Life (QOL) is a thing that formed by the changing life conditions and the innovations brought by the changes in the process ranging from antiquity to these days. Although, Aristotle was the first person who, indirectly, investigated this subject. The ultimate goal in life is called Eudamania by Aristotle. This European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 154 Ulucan Hakkı, Beltekin Enes, Kuyulu İhsan, Berk Yunus EXAMINE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LEVELS OF LIFE SATISFACTION AND LEISURE TIME SATISFACTION OF FOREIGN STUDENTS STUDY AT ERCIYES UNIVERSITY, TURKEY means to be blessed with a good spirit and energy and to start living in this way (Tekkanat, 2008). Farquar (1995) reported that YK surveys, which were defined differently by researchers, have accelerated since the 1970s. In 1987, Holmes and Dickerson accepted quality of life as a dynamic concept in health (Farquhar, 1995). In 1975, as a key word in describing Patterson life quality, (Yancar, 2005) According to War (2009), quality of life is identified as perception of the position in life in relation to its aims, expectations, standards and relevance within the context of culture and value systems in which one lives. The physical health of a person is a broad concept influenced in a complex way in relation to his / her psychological state, beliefs, social relations and environment. According to Testa and Simonson (1996), quality of life includes the level of affecting the individual's physical functions, mental state, social relations within and outside the family, and how this affects the functioning of the individual. The World Health Organization defines quality of life as "the way in which people perceive their situation in the whole culture and value judgments they live in" (Zorba, 2011) in relation to their purposes, expectations, standards, it is aimed to examine the relationship between the level of life satisfaction and the level of leisure time satisfaction of foreign students who study in Turkey. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 155