European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │Issue 12 │2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1067273 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VIOLENCE TENDENCY LEVELS OF 11- 19 AGED CHILDREN WHO ATTEND TO SUMMER SCHOOL AND THEIR BEHAVIORS TOWARDS FAIR PLAY IN SPORTS Adilogullari Gamze Elif1, Ulucan Hakkı2, Beltekin Enes3, Kuyulu İhsan4 1 Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Ünivbersitesi, Turkey 2 Erciyes Üniversitesi, Turkey 3 4 Bingöl Üniversitesi, Turkey Harran Üniversitesi, Turkey Abstract: It is about the increase of behaviors close to the desired fair play in sports environments and the decrease in behavior towards violence. It is important for these behaviors to be identified from small age groups and to take necessary precautions and interventions for the future. The aim of the study in this context is to examine the relationship between the level of violence and the behaviors of children towards fair play in sports whose ages change between 11 and 19 attending summer sports school. The research group consists of 226 children aged 11-19 who go to summer sports school in 2015 in Osmaniye province voluntarily participating in the study. The Violence Tendency Scale developed by Göka, Bayat and Türkçapar (1995) was used to obtain data on the level of violence. In order to obtain the level of behavior for the flight play, Sezen-Balçıkanlı (2009) developed by Vallerand et al. Multi-Dimensional Sportsmanship Orientation Scale adapted to Turkish was used. While there was no significant difference between the groups according to their gender and branches in the evaluation of violence tendency levels of children aged 11-19 participating in the study, there was a significant difference between the groups according to their age and income status of their families. Negative correlations were found between the levels of violence of children aged 11-19 participating in the study and the behavioral levels and subscales of fair play in sports. As a result, the level of behavior towards fair play increases when the level of violence tendency of children between the ages of 11-19 attending summer sports academy decreases. Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 77 Adilogullari Gamze Elif, Ulucan Hakkı, Beltekin Enes, Kuyulu İhsan RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VIOLENCE TENDENCY LEVELS OF 11- 19 AGED CHILDREN WHO ATTEND TO SUMMER SCHOOL AND THEIR BEHAVIORS TOWARDS FAIR PLAY IN SPORTS Keywords: violence tendency level, fair play in sports, sports academy 1. Introduction In the world, interest in cruising sports is increasing day by day especially in the last century. However, it is possible to say that violence events have increased with the development of cruising sports. Unfortunately, the appearance of violence in the sport affects negatively the development of sport. These developments tend to focus on what needs to be fulfilled to find the causes of violence and to increase the fair play. When Türkçapar and his friends (2014) examined the field of literature, we see the works done in this direction, Balçıkanlı (2009) the relationship between the behaviors of professional footballers and the empathic tendency levels, Kırımoğlu and his friends' (2008) study of the aggression levels of high school students according to the level of sports participation, and the examination of Koç and Güllü (2017) high school students' physical education lesson according to some variances of sportsmanship attitudes. It can be indicated that these studies can be examples of the studies about this subject. Violence, which means "hardness, multiplicity, firmness, hardness" as a word taken from the Arabic, means "a movement, a degree of strength, intensity, stiffness", "speed", "extremity in feeling or behavior" and " It comes. According to these meanings, it is said that Violence is a multi-dimensional concept which is positive, neutral and negative in terms of its source, origin, formation, structure and function. (Uçan 2007: 5). Despite some small differences in collecting from the culture, culture and society, many similar definitions have been made by researchers. For example, Ünsal (1996: 29) violence from our Arabic language; hardness, strict and rigid behavior, brutal force and violence against the French meaning; to do or to do anything other than desired by applying power and pressure to a person; Violence is defined as the act of enforcement, coercion, assault, brute force, physical or psychological suffering or torture, pounding, and bruising. Michaud (1986: 5-6) In his narrow sense, the definition of violence is rooted in rough or ruthless personality, a crude and crazy force that transcends the measure of violent language in the sense of power and violates the rules, in broad sense one or more of the sides in the context of mutual relations, acting in a manner that will directly or indirectly or interspersed harm the wholeness of one or more of the others, or whatever the ratio of their spiritual integrity, property, symbolic and cultural value. According to Goswami (1995), violence is synonymous with physical aggression and is an act of injuring, harming or influencing the individual and society. According to Bandura's "Theory of Social Learning" (1973), violence is the individual aggression that causes; because in the case of aggression, people think they European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 78 Adilogullari Gamze Elif, Ulucan Hakkı, Beltekin Enes, Kuyulu İhsan RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VIOLENCE TENDENCY LEVELS OF 11- 19 AGED CHILDREN WHO ATTEND TO SUMMER SCHOOL AND THEIR BEHAVIORS TOWARDS FAIR PLAY IN SPORTS have won social values, awards and symbolic awards that will reinforce their behavior. Mitscherlich (1999: 7) argues that aggression may actually vary in relation to the culture of society, arguing that for aggression it is often regarded as a sign of manhood and heroism, which is frequently chiefly a moral judgment and a chief specific action, due to the general harmful effects on co-existence. In addition to the psychoanalytic, etiological, biological, cognitive theories and social learning theories that try to explain the aggression, approaches to explain aggression with hindering notions such as clue (Bilgin, 99 , Şahin and Owen, 9: . Violence by young people is the most common form of violence in the community. In the world, news and media broadcasts mention violence on the streets, school, and teenagers or gangs on a daily basis. Young violence not only damages their victims, but also their families, friends, and society. Effects of the violence are not only seen in death, but also in disease disability and process of quality of life (WHO, 2002: 25). According to data of WHO (2002: 64), violence events are also seen in the world and in our country as the group of 15-29 age group with the highest incidence of violent incidents. In the group under 15 years of age, death rate due to violence is 5% while 35% is in 15-29 age group. TUSI data (TUSI, 2007) are similar to those of WHO datum. According to the Turkish Criminal Code (TCK) and the Special Laws, the total number of girls and boys in the age group of 11-14 years in the total number of cases and age groups in the criminal courts is 28700, which is approximately 112500 (TUS, 2008). Besides this, events of violence observed in young people reach the highest level between 15-16 years (Ögel et al., 2004). For reducing the level of aggression of young people or children, or to keep them away from violence, their families direct their children to various social and cultural activities. Sports are also at the forefront of these social and cultural events. Sporting activities are one of the most effective ways in which children can express their inner emotions or their psychological or physiological energies or emotions. The most obvious reflection of this outcome is the tendency of children to violence in sports, their ambitions or moral situations they exhibit in the sport if the contrary is considered, that is, their fair play attitudes. Fair play in sports is not limited to rule consciousness but is a concept that also defines social, cultural and moral norms of sport Yıldıran, 99 . The use of word is emphasized as respect for rule, commitment to management and decisions, respect for competitors. Also, fair play used relatedly; to show generosity in the game, to show behavior that is both successful and defeated. These responsibilities are valid for competitors, families, coaches, managers, leaders, supporters, namely for all participants (Loland, 2002). European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 3 │ Issue 12 │ 2017 79 Adilogullari Gamze Elif, Ulucan Hakkı, Beltekin Enes, Kuyulu İhsan RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VIOLENCE TENDENCY LEVELS OF 11- 19 AGED CHILDREN WHO ATTEND TO SUMMER SCHOOL AND THEIR BEHAVIORS TOWARDS FAIR PLAY IN SPORTS As a result, fair play; the athletes should not tolerate unfair advantage in order to keep the rules fair, consistent and conscientious even under difficult circumstances, not to disturb equal opportunity, not try to take advantage of the unfair disadvantages of the competitor, not as opponent enemy but as an individual and partner with equivalent rights Yıldıran, . Sport is an activity in which the individual will fight against the whole power according to the rules and will respect and value his rival. If not, there can be mentioned only fighting and hostility under the name of sport (Erdemli, 2008). The mutual struggle involves the achievement of the athletes by demonstrating their best performance in the frame of the rules. Through the rules, competitors do not threaten each other as enemies, but they respect each other's abilities. They struggle hard not by hurting each other (Boxill, 2003). Ethical behaviors are not congenital behaviors but are learned later. No one can be well-characterized, but has this innate capacity. Coaches should teach the athlete the difference between good and bad in any sporting situation. This should be the first responsibility of a coach. Coaches, athletes can perform character development at all ages (Brown, 2003). In this context, it is expected that today's children's ages, which will create our future, are determined to find out the level of violence, the mean for violence to form an important basic information on the relation with the fair play perception and for the theoretical and practical studies to be conducted for the future. 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