European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: 10.5281/zenodo.56125 Volume 1│Issue 4│2016 SPECIFICITIES PRESENTED IN SOME BASIC AND SPECIFIC MOTOR SKILLS OF VARIABLES TO YOUNG BASKETBALL PLAYERS Prof. Dr. Hazir Salihu1, Dardan Dehari2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, University of Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo 1 Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tetova, R. Macedonia 2 Abstract: On the basis of the number of 62 entities aged 15-16 years, male gender, address space is composed of the locomotive and the space of ten tests. Factorial procedures are addressed in all basic and specific locomotives, together as results have gained 3 dimensions latency: - Factor of specific speed and accuracy; - Factor complex locomotive specific typical for game and basketball; - Factor of speed and explosive force to the upper extremity. Such a mix of factors, may be justified because the age in question is in phase puberty, nothing is as defining in the locomotive, as are developing. Keywords: basketball, entities, basic motor-specific variables, analysis factor, measuring instruments, tools and sports requisites Introduction Basketball, day after day is taking echo to all ages around the globe, therefore, is more attractive to millions of sports fans in the world, but recently also in us. Based on the dynamics of the game, it requires proper motivation for physical preparation and technical-tactical, given the charges which have to face basketball. Implementation of the results of the experiment with a relatively sufficient number of variables provides accurate baseline information on the anthropological status of the youth of this age. Of all the actors of this sport attractive, it is required more and more, to fix the infrastructure for achieving the contemporary level of the game of basketball. Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved Published by Open Access Publishing Group ©2015. 63 Hazir Salihu, Dardan Dehari SPECIFICITIES PRESENTED IN SOME BASIC AND SPECIFIC MOTOR SKILLS OF VARIABLES TO YOUNG BASKETBALL PLAYERS The objectives of research The aim of this experiment is noticing some relevant motile and specific characteristics among young basketball players. In other words, the objective of this study can be defined as verifying the values of verifying some motile and specific characteristic among young basketball players. Its implementation study - a sample of entities The experiment covers 62 entities of young males, around 15-16 years old, who have been practicing basketball in the city of Pristina. The testing is done during March and April of 2016. Furthermore, the motile tests have been done during the basketball practice time. The author of this study should be able to demonstrate appropriately in order to make sure for the students to realize the tests in the best way. All the tests have been done in the sports center including all primary schools in Pristina. Basic hypothesis Considering the previous studies, the actual hypotheses will be based on the existence of factors and its connections at the motile, basic and specific level among young basketball players. To extract the factors with relevance in the motile structure. The motile tests In the mobile area, it has been applied 10 tests, where five of them are basic tests and the other five belong to situated and mobile tests. The basic tests JFMSPD - The jump from the main spot to a distance JFMSH - The jump from the main spot to a highness 20 MRU - The 20 meters running TFPHSSM - The test for the physical strength of the stomach muscles THMBD - Throwing the medicinal ball in a distance European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 1 │ Issue 4 │ 2016 64 Hazir Salihu, Dardan Dehari SPECIFICITIES PRESENTED IN SOME BASIC AND SPECIFIC MOTOR SKILLS OF VARIABLES TO YOUNG BASKETBALL PLAYERS The situated tests DBHC - Dribble by hitting in the cage FRHI - Free hitting HICWJ - Hitting the cage with a jump THBID - Throwing the ball in distance GOCOD - Going and coming dribble The methods of elaborating the results The results are elaborated in the following programs, SPSS version 20.0 and statistics, which is a version for windows. The analyses are done in the manifesto and latent area. The factorization of motile, basic and specific tests. Results and interpretation Factorial analysis The characteristics of basic motor space-specific latency As far as the 1. Table, is concerned, there are obvious the LAMBDA radixes and partial % and cumulative % contribution for the explaination of the changebility in general. By choosing the correlative matrix, we win 10 characteristic radixes and the same number of characteristic vectors which according to Hotellingut method and GK criteria are showed as three motile and letant dimensions which explain the 65% variability in general. Considering the first and statistic matrix of the factorization of the motile tests, we can notice that the first characteristic radix with the value L=3.986 , explains 38% of the variability in general, and the second characteristic radix for the system with the value L=1.879 and explains the 17% of the variability in general. The third characteristic radix for the system with the value L=1. 246 and explains dhe 12% of the variability in general. Considering the previous studies, the actual hypotheses will be based on the existence of factors and its connections at the motile, basic and specific level among young basketball players. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 1 │ Issue 4 │ 2016 65 Hazir Salihu, Dardan Dehari SPECIFICITIES PRESENTED IN SOME BASIC AND SPECIFIC MOTOR SKILLS OF VARIABLES TO YOUNG BASKETBALL PLAYERS Table 1: The characteristic and main radixes, partial and cummulative contribution Components The characteristic and main radix % % Variability Cumulative 1 3.986 37.743 37.743 2 1.879 16.833 53.438 3 1.246 11.761 64.676 4 .795 8.714 66.524 5 .771 7.364 74.444 6 .692 7.013 81.470 7 .563 5.555 88.939 8 .410 4.100 93.409 9 .334 3.327 96.551 10 .159 1.489 98.989 Through the Table 2, it is featured the matrix of the main components with three factors and communalities. In the first component are projected the variables which test the explosive force of the lower part of the body such as, jumping from a certain place to a distance, jumping from e certain place to a highness, and the 20 meter running with coefficient from .65 - .78. Next, we have tests that show repetitive force with coefficient .68, and tests that show specific speed during the basketball play. After that we have the dribble with hitting the cage and the going and coming dribble, a tests, which show resistance in the speed with coefficient that have value from -.64 - -.70. On the second component are projected the tests, which show the explosive force of the upper part of the body by throwing the medicinal ball and throwing the basketball to a distance with a coefficient from .71 – 74. On the third component, the projections are realized through the tests, which show preciseness in the area of free hitting and hitting through the jump with the coefficient from .57-78. Communality towards all tests have the coefficient with the value .48-.74, but how much qualitative information will bring each variables, it depends on the volume of communality. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 1 │ Issue 4 │ 2016 66 Hazir Salihu, Dardan Dehari SPECIFICITIES PRESENTED IN SOME BASIC AND SPECIFIC MOTOR SKILLS OF VARIABLES TO YOUNG BASKETBALL PLAYERS Table 2: The matrix of the main components and communalities 1 2 3 H2 JFMSPD .738 -.222 -.100 .605 JFMSH .764 -.061 -.220 .635 20 MRU -.647 .492 .211 .681 TFPHSSM .475 .714 -.020 .738 THMBD .393 .745 -.112 .714 DBHC .693 -.161 -.046 .495 FRHI -.711 .076 .087 .492 HICWJ .255 .016 .784 .662 THBID .395 -.191 .572 .495 -.643 -.211 -.169 .478 GOCOD In the structure of the motile areas, the main components are projected in the inclined solutions, rotations, and according to the normalization of the criteria (Kaiser-it) and these transformations, we have come up with three matrixes:  The matrix of the parallel projections, which shows parallel projections of the  variable vectors to factors.  orthogonal projections between variable vectors and factors. The matrix of the orthogonal projections, which shows the correlative and The correlative matrix of the isolated factors. Table 3: The matrix of the parallel projections 1 2 3 JFMSPD .771 .013 .046 JFMSH .769 .188 -.083 20 MRU -.878 .279 .069 .033 .846 .020 -.013 .869 -.093 .677 .052 .088 TFPHSSM THMBD DBHC FRHI -.657 -.142 -.042 HICWJ -.153 .036 .848 THBID .169 -.109 .656 -.319 -.384 -.273 GOCOD In view of the table 3, there is showed the matrix of the parallel projections, which covers the parallel projections of the motile variables. By observing this matrix we can notice that high projections on the first factor have realized the following tests, jumping European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 1 │ Issue 4 │ 2016 67 Hazir Salihu, Dardan Dehari SPECIFICITIES PRESENTED IN SOME BASIC AND SPECIFIC MOTOR SKILLS OF VARIABLES TO YOUNG BASKETBALL PLAYERS from a certain place to a distance, jumping from a certain place to a highness, the 20 meter running, which show the explosive force of the lower part of the body with coefficient starting from .77-.88. Moreover, we have the tests FRHI and the dribble with hitting the cage which shows the specific speed during the basketball game with coefficient that has the value starting from -.66 - .68. According to these projections, the first motile factor can be defined as a complex and motile factor. On the second component, the high projections have been realized by the tests, which show explosive force of the upper part of the body such as, throwing the medicinal ball, throwing the ball in a distance with coefficient from .85-.87. According to the projections showed here, the second factor could be defined as a factor with an explosive force of the upper part of the body. On the third component, high projections have realized the tests which are as a pointer of the preciseness such as, free hitting, hitting through jumping with coefficient that has the value .66 - .85. According to these projections, the third factor can be defined as a motile and situated factor of the preciseness –very typical for the basketball game. Table 4: The matrix of the orthogonal projections 1 2 3 JFMSPD .776 .200 .261 JFMSH .773 .355 .154 20 MRU -.775 .084 -.132 TFPHSSM .237 .845 .146 THMBD .164 .839 .024 DBHC .696 .221 .280 FRHI -.686 -.300 -.241 HICWJ .090 .118 .801 THBID .325 .023 .681 -.486 -.498 -.416 GOCOD Concerning the table 4, there is showed the orthogonal projections, which contain orthogonal projections of the manifesto-motile tests, and as e result, we have three factors. According to all predictions, the structure of this matrix does not change from the parallel projections. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 1 │ Issue 4 │ 2016 68 Hazir Salihu, Dardan Dehari SPECIFICITIES PRESENTED IN SOME BASIC AND SPECIFIC MOTOR SKILLS OF VARIABLES TO YOUNG BASKETBALL PLAYERS Table 5: The inter-correlative matrix between the factors 1 2 3 1 1.000 2 .242 1.000 3 .289 .156 1.000 On the table 5, it is shown the correlative matrix of the motile factors and we can notice that the correlation of the factors is with coefficient from .16-.29. According to this correlation, we can conclude that motile factors possess dependence among themselves. Analysis and verification of the hypothesis In this study is only the hypothesis raised: Which is fully implemented on the basis of the results obtained, it is extracted three dimensions of basic motor latency in the specific area. Conclusions – summary Based on the number of 62 entities aged 15-16 years old, male, was treated motor space of ten tests. In factorial procedure are treated all basic motor and specific tests, together as a result, gained three latent dimensions: - The factor of preciseness and specific speed - The complex, motile, situated and typical factor of the basketball game. - The factor of the speed and explosive force of the upper extremities. Based on the age of the youth, and acquired factors, may be justified because the age in question is at the stage of puberty, nothing is definitive in terms basic motor, as well as in terms of situational, since youngsters of this studies are still in progress. Therefore, as a result, we expect that in the near future, these young people will prosper in every aspect of the game. The function of the result is about: - Securing the information about the youth and their development of the morphological and motile characteristics. The aim is to expose the values of the educational process during the teaching process concerning the physical education and sport. - Selection and orientation of youth with different sport activities. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 1 │ Issue 4 │ 2016 69 Hazir Salihu, Dardan Dehari SPECIFICITIES PRESENTED IN SOME BASIC AND SPECIFIC MOTOR SKILLS OF VARIABLES TO YOUNG BASKETBALL PLAYERS - Application of the new concepts in terms of scientific and professional bases of the program, methodology and adequate evaluation. To attain these results, enables us to future experimentation-research, other factors disclosed important to us and directly affect the scope of this study. Bibliography 1. Erculj, F.: Morfoloske znacilnosti kosarkaric, starih 14 in 15 let, ki nastopajo v skupinah A in B Evropskega prvenstva. Revija Sport volum 1-2 ISSN 0353-7455. F. Za sport 2010.Univerza v Ljubljani Ster 63. 2. H. 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