European Journal of Alternative Education Studies ISSN: 2501-5915 ISSN-L: 2501-5915 Available on-line at: Volume 2 │ Issue 2 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.836282 CREATIVE APPROACH TO COMPUTING THROUGH MUSIC IN THE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Michael Vitoulisi Department of Early Childhood Care & Education, A.T.E.I. of Thessaloniki, P.O BOX 141, GR - 57400, Thessaloniki, Greece Abstract: This paper applies an experimental case study aiming at the assessment of the effectiveness of computer science teaching, when it is framed by activities with clear direction of "creation and expression" and in particular music. The research goes beyond the view that computers are a tool and examines them as a subject of the curriculum of the kindergarten through a creative didactic intervention. The sample was divided into two groups, the experimental group that implemented a training program for teaching basic computer concepts supported by alternative creative musical education activities and the control group which implemented a corresponding program that utilized tutorials and drill and practice software. The analysis of the data shows that computer literacy combined with music education activities had improved learning outcomes compared to the method used by guided teaching through software. The research supports the proposal for the development of educational approaches to computer science, which escapes from the narrow contexts of interaction with the PC, and is accompanied by alternative activities and adapted as well to the particularities and characteristics of early childhood. Keywords: early childhood, education, educators, digital pedagogy, creative didactics, music, informatics, technology, computer in preschool education 1. Introduction Pre-school education is the stage where there has been and still exists a strong concern about the technology integration (Nikolopoulou & Gialamas, 2013). In general, though Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 1 Michael Vitoulis CREATIVE APPROACH TO COMPUTING THROUGH MUSIC IN THE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION it appears that proper integration of new technologies in pre-school education can reinforce almost all areas and subjects of learning (Brooker & Siraj-Blatchford, 2002; Plowman & Stephen, 2003) a key role to overcome the skepticism about technology integration plays the potential of computers that, by appropriate exploitation, can establish them as an important learning tool (Anderson et al., 2008; Clements & Sarama, 2003; Hutinger et al., 2006; Jonassen & Reeves, 1995; McCarrick & Li, 2007; SirajBlatchford & Siraj-Blatchford, 2006). Different surveys, on the one hand, support the view that computer use in kindergarten (independently) is not effective, taking into account the fact that non-computer activities improve children's learning outcomes (Clements, 2002; Morgado, 2008; Ntoliopoulou, 2000). Others also support the view that the ability of children to use computers depends to a large extent on appropriate teaching practices (Baron & Harrari, 2005; Kalogiannakis, 2010). Seeking to contribute to the enrichment of data related to computer science teaching at preschool children, we focus on experimental educational intervention supported by alternative creative music activities which aim to teach basic concepts of computing. By approaching the specific research as an experimental case study, the results of our intervention are compared with those resulting from the application of a more common method of guided teaching with the support of a relevant software. For downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Alternative Education Studies - Volume 2 │ Issue 2 │ 2017 2